========================= | ===== | ===== | ============== | =========================================
2400 A.D. | 51 | 20 | Controller | Issue 54, page 4, issue 53, page 4, and issue 56, page 19 |
2400 A.D. | 53 | 13 | Controller | | Softkey for "Ogre" in issue #46, page 11
2400 A.D. | 56 | 29-30 | Bit Copy/Nibble Edit | | Any soft/hardware that can change address prologues
2400 A.D.(Bug) | 56 | 19 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #51, page 20
40' Graphics Studio (IIgs) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
4TH & Inches | 64 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
816/Paint (IIgs) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
A. E. | 39 | 11 | Hex Dump | |
A. I. | 58 | 36 | Disk Copy/File Delete | |
A2-PB1 Night Mission Pinball | 22 | 13-14 | Bootcode Trace | |
A2-PB1 Night Mission Pinball | 27 | 4-5 | Binary Patch | | Letter about "A2-PB1" in issue #24, page 5
A2-PB1 Night Mission Pinball | 54 | 20-21 | Bootcode Trace | |
AC Circuit Analysis | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Accolade Comics | 56 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Ace Programmer | 60 | 22 | Sector Edit | | "Mindplay Software" softkey, issue #52, page 17
Ace Reporter | 64 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
AceCalc | 16 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use "Artsci software" in same issue & page
Activision software | 50 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
Activision's 3.5" disks (IIgs) | 49 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Addition Logician | 48 | 34 | Controller | |
Addition Logician | 49 | 21 | Controller | |
Address Book | 42 | 14-15 | Controller | |
Advanced Blackjack | 21 | 7 | Controller | |
Advanced Microsystems Technology pgrms. | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Adventure (Colossal Cave)(for beginners) | 63 | 30-31 | DOS Patch/File Copy | |
Adventure Construction Set | 24 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Adventure Construction Set | 32 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Adventure Writer | 40 | 11 | Binary Patch | |
Adventure Writer | 41 | 7-8 | Binary Patch | |
Adventures of Sinbad (IIgs) | 61 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Aesop's Fables (IIgs) | 56 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Aesop's Fables (IIgs) | 60 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Age of Adventure | 47 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Age of Adventure | 53 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Agent U.S.A. | 45 | 18 | Bin/DOSpatch+Hex Dump | | Article in issue #19, page 18 "Towards a Better F8 ROM"
Airheart | 45 | 4 | Bit Copy | |
Airheart | 63 | 37 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith 6.0 and EDD v3
Akalabeth, World of Doom (2 Methods) | HCv1#1 | 16-17 | File Copy/Basic pgrm | | Use transfer program or Demuffin
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress | 42 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Alge-Blaster | 62 | 17-18 | Sector Edit | |
Algeblaster | 64 | 22 | Bit Copy | | Copy II+
Algebra Series | 28 | 7 | Disk Copy | |
Algebra Volume 3 & 4 | 63 | 29-30 | RWTS | |
Alibi | 8 | 6-7 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Alice in Wonderland | 29 | 7 | RWTS | |
Alice in Wonderland | 33 | 5 | Add DOS | |
Alice in Wonderland | 35 | 8 | Controller | |
Alien Addition | 13 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use controller "DLM software.13" in same issue & page
Alien Mind | 64 | 9 | Bit Copy | |
Alien Munchies | 15 | 7 | Hex Dump | |
Aliens | 50 | 23 | Sector Edits | |
Aliens | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
Aliens | 51 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
All About America (IIgs) | 62 | 27 | Sector Edits | |
Alligator Mix | 13 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use controller "DLM software.13" in same issue & page
Alphabet Circus | 30 | 5-6 | Controller | |
Alphabet Circus | 44 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Alphabet Express v2.1.5 1985 | 64 | 24-25 | DOS Patch | |
Alphabet Sequencing | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Alphabet Zoo | 19 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Alphabet Zoo | 24 | 8 | Controller | Issue 29, page 9 |
Alphabet Zoo | 51 | 16 | DOS Poke | Issue 29, page 9 | Controller for same in issue #24, page 8
Alphabetic Keyboarding | 28 | 23 | Controller | |
Alter Ego | 37 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Alter Ego | 50 | 23 | Sector Edits | |
Alternate Reality | 38 | 19 | RWTS | |
Alternate Reality | 47 | 32 | RWTS | Issue 52, page 4 and issue 49, page 4 | Softkey for same in issue #38, page 19
Alternate Reality--The Dungeon | 50 | 8 | Controller+Sector Edit | |
Amazing Reading Machines | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Amazon | 39 | 26-27 | Sctr.Edit+Pgrm Listing | |
Amazon | 50 | 22 | DOS Patch | | Senior Prom
American Challenge, The | 33 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
American Challenge, The | 40 | 8-9 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
American Challenge, The | 50 | 11 | Controller | |
American Challenge, The | 50 | 39 | Sector Edits | |
American Challenge, The | 54 | 11-12 | Controller | |
American Challenge, The | 57 | 28 | Copya Patch/Sctr Edit | |
American People | 56 | 8 | RWTS | |
Amnesia | 48 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Amnesia | 51 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Amper-Magic | 5 | 28-29 | File Copy | |
Animal Alphabets and Other Things | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Animal Hotel | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Animate | 49 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Animate | 54 | 25-26 | Cntrlr+Bin.File Patch | |
Animate (Fix) | 56 | 35 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #49, page 20
Anova II 1.1 | 19 | 7 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
APBA Major League Player's Baseball | 59 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Apple Adventure | 16 | 11 | Binary Patch+File Copy | | IIc or IIe with extended 80col card
Apple Business Graphics | 48 | 6-7 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Apple Cider Spider | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Apple GEOS v2.0 | 60 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Apple Gradebook 2.6 | 52 | 15-16 | Cntrlr+Basic Pgrm Mod. | |
Apple Logo | 8 | 7/15 | Bitcopy+Sector Edit | | Copy II+ or Locksmith
Apple Logo (Update) "More on Logo" | 10 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #8, page 7
Apple Logo II | 27 | 8-9 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 31, page 6 |
Apple Logo II | 34 | 13 | Binary File Patches | |
Apple Presents CTW Series (Partial) | 61 | 16-17 | Controller | | "Alphabetic Keyboarding" softkey, issue #28, page 23
Apple Writer IIe | 18 | 12-14 | Sector Edit | |
Apple Writer IIe | 21 | 6 | Copya Patch | |
Apple Writer IIe | 56 | 28-29 | Binary File Patch | |
Apple Writer IIe (Update) | 21 | 9 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #18, page 12
Apple's Core Part II (The Seed) | 53 | 13 | Track Copy | | Copyb program and non-maskable interupt
Applecillin II | 24 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Appleguard | HCU3.3 | 2 | Binary Ptch/File Copy | |
Applesoft Pgrms via Open-Heart Surgery Method | HCv1#1 | 27/36 | DOS+Binary Patches | |
Applesoft Programs, Fast & Nifty Method | HCv1#1 | 26 | File Copy | | DeMuffin, page 28 and Map Move program on page 29
Apventure to Atlantis | 28 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Arcade Album #1 | 50 | 12 | Controller+Sector Edit | |
Arcade Album #1 | 56 | 33 | RWTS | |
Arcade Boot Camp | 13 | 4 | Copya or File Copy | |
Arcade Boot Camp | 38 | 4 | DOS Patch | |
Arcade Boot Camp | 44 | 19 | Controller | |
Arcade Boot Camp | 49 | 25 | RWTS | | Locksmith 6.0
Arcade Boot Camp | 53 | 7-8 | Controller | | Customized F8 ROM or RAMcard
Arcade Machine | 10 | 9-10 | Cntrlr+Hexdump+Hello | |
ARCHIVEmath | 61 | 35-36 | DOS Ptch + File Copy | |
Archon | 21 | 10-11 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Archon (Update)(If...Bad Luck...) | 28 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Input "If it weren't..." & softkey for same in #21/pg 10
Archon II: Adept | 24 | 11-12 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Arctic Antics | 55 | 35-36 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Antics | 56 | 25 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Arctic Antics | 60 | 22-23 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 47 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 48 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 48 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 49 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 49 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 53 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 57 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Arctic Fox | 57 | 22 | Controller | |
Arithmekicks | 19 | 8 | RWTS | |
Arithmetic Critters | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Arithmetickle | 19 | 8 | RWTS | |
Artist, The | 8 | 12-13 | Binary Patch | |
Artsci programs, (Deprotecting...) | 16 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use "Artsci software" controller in same issue & page
Assembly Language Tutor | 37 | 9 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
AutoDuel | 36 | 28 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | Issue 48, page 33 |
AutoDuel (Fix) | 48 | 33 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #36, page 28
AutoDuel (Partial) | 35 | 6 | Hello Pgrm+File Patch | | Use "Ultima IV" controller from issue #28, page 10
Avalon Hill games | 37 | 9 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Award Maker | 50 | 10 | Sector Edit | | Softkeys in issues #32, page 14 and #37, page 14
Award Maker Plus | 48 | 27-28 | File Copy | |
Award Maker Plus | 52 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Axis Assassin | 42 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Aztec | 53 | 12 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Aztec | 61 | 23 | Controller | |
Back to Basics Accounting | 19 | 6-7 | Sector Edit | |
Bag of Tricks | 3 | 8-9 | Bin.File Capture+Copy | Issue 4, page 32 |
Bag of Tricks | 5 | 14-15 | File Copy+Basic Hello | Issue 45, page 6 | Softkey for same in issue #3, page 8
Bag of Tricks (Fix) | 5 | 7 | Hello Program Patch | | Softkey for same in issues #3/pg 8 and #5/pg 14
Bag of Tricks (Partial) | 51 | 37 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #3, page 8
Balance of Power | 64 | 9 | Sector Edit/File Copy | | ProDOS Machine Language Interface, RAM Card, Copy II+
Ballblazer | 53 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Ballblazer (Fix) | 56 | 20 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #53, page 27
Baltic 1985 | 18 | 27-29 | Basic Pgrm+Hex Dump | |
Bank Street Music Writer | 54 | 13 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Bank Street Speller | 25 | 24-25 | Machine Code | |
Bank Street Writer | 10 | 13/22 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | Issue 11, page 7 |
Bank Street Writer | 18 | 9-11 | Controller | |
Bank Street Writer | 24 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #18, page 9
Bank Street Writer | 44 | 8 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #25, page 26
Bank Street Writer (128K) | 25 | 26-27 | RWTS+DOSpatch+Sctredit | | Use both controllers in softkey
Bank Street Writer (Update) | 39 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #25, page 26
Bank Street Writer IIc (Protected Copy) | 62 | 36 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith
Bank Street Writer III | 47 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Banner Catch | 47 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale | 30 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale (IIgs) | 53 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale (IIgs) (Fix) | 53 | 23 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #50, page 23
Bard's Tale (Update) | 36 | 6 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 11
Bard's Tale I | 51 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
Bard's Tale II | 48 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II | 48 | 39 | Controller | |
Bard's Tale II | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
Bard's Tale II | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Bard's Tale II (IIgs) | 50 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II (IIgs) | 56 | 16-17 | Binary File Patch | |
Bard's Tale II (IIgs) | 63 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II (IIgs) | 64 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II: Destiny Knight | 49 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II: Destiny Knight | 56 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Bard's Tale II: Destiny Knight | 57 | 15-16 | Sector Edit | |
Baron | 25 | 4 | Hello Pgrm+File Copy | |
Barron's Computer SAT | 25 | 13 | Controller | |
Baseball Database | 50 | 9 | Controller | | Softkey for side B of Sword of Kadash issue #27/pg 16-17
Basic Building Blocks | 16 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Basic Electricity | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Batalla de Palabras | 26 | 27 | Controller | Issue 29, page 9 |
Battle Cruiser | 51 | 35 | Copya Patch | |
Battle Group | 38 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "SSI's RDOS" in issue #30, page 24
Battle of Antietam | 38 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "SSI's RDOS" in issue #30, page 24
Baudville software | 32 | 14-15 | Controller | |
BC's Quest for Tires | 25 | 8 | Hello+File Copy+Hxdmp | |
BC's Quest for Tires | 50 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
BC's Quest for Tires | 63 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Beach Head | 42 | 7 | Controller | |
Beach Head II | 51 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Beast War | 34 | 6 | RWTS | |
Beer Run | 17 | 6-7 | Hex Dump | |
Below the Root | 51 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Below the Root | 62 | 28 | File Copy/Hello Pgrm | |
Better Working Word Processor | 48 | 31-32 | Sector Edit | |
Better Working WP + Spelling Checker | 59 | 16 | File Copy | | DeMuffin Plus
Better Working: Spreadsheet | 59 | 7-8 | File Copy | |
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein | 21 | 28 | Bit Copy | | Copy II Plus 4.4
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein | 48 | 38 | Controller | |
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Beneath...) | 13 | 12 | RWTS | Issue 15, page 5 | Use "Beyond Wolf" on SIOB or cntrlr in issue #15, pg 5
Beyond Castle Wolfenstein (Fix) | 16 | 19 | RWTS | |
Beyond Pinball | 59 | 28 | DOS Patch + File Copy | |
Bill Budge's Trilogy | 5 | 13 | File Copy+Binary Patch | |
Black Cauldron, The | 36 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Black Cauldron, The | 44 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Black Cauldron, The | 52 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Black Magic | 48 | 31 | DOS Patch | |
Black Magic | 51 | 26 | Sector Edit | | Senior Prom 3.0
Black Magic | 52 | 33-34 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | |
Blazing Paddles | 31 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Blazing Paddles | 35 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #31, page 23
Blue Powder Grey Smoke | 53 | 7-8 | Controller | | Customized F8 ROM or RAMcard
Boars Tell Time, The | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Boars' Store, The | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Body Awareness | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Bookends | 27 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Bookends Extended | 48 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Boot Code Tracing (Softkey #4) | HCv1#3 | 37/53 | Bootcode Trace | | Apple Galaxian program and a way into the monitor
Boot Code Tracing Revisited | HCU3.1 | 6-8/15 | Bootcode Trace | | Multi-Disk Catalog program and way into the monitor
Bop 'N' Wrestle | 48 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Bop 'N' Wrestle | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | | Softkey for "Infiltrator" in issue #47, page 25
Bop 'N' Wrestle | 50 | 39 | RWTS | | Write your own controller
Borrowed Time | 39 | 24-25 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Boulder Dash Construction Set | 57 | 17-20 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Boulder Dash Construction Set | 58 | 8 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Boulder Dash Construction Set | 59 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Boulder Dash I & II | 38 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Boulder Dash I & II | 58 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
BPI Accounting programs | 18 | 7 | Sector Edit+File Copy | |
Break the Bank Blackjack | 46 | 10 | RWTS | |
Bridge (PFS) | 32 | 24 | Binary Patch | |
Bridge 4.0 | 51 | 37 | Copya+Sector Edits | | Softkey for "Compubridge" in issue #44, page 26
Bridge Baron | 39 | 10-11 | Controller | | Use cntrlr for "Ultima IV" on SIOB disk, issue #28,pg 10
Broadsides v2.0 | 61 | 23 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Brute Force Sector by Sector Copying | HCv1#2 | 3-4 | Cntrlr+IOB Program | | Nibbler program and basic program & controllers shown
Building Better Sentences | 31 | 4 | Copya Patch | |
Buzzard Bait (Partial-No Sound) | 5 | 30 | Btcode Trce+Bin.Patch | |
CAI prgms (Under "Some notes on...") | 61 | 16 | Binary or Sector Edit | |
Calculus Toolkit, The | 61 | 33 | Binary File Patches | |
Calendar | 59 | 28-29 | Disk + Bit Copy | |
Calendar Crafter (IIgs) | 59 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Calendar Crafter (IIgs) | 62 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Calendar Crafter (IIgs) ("Protected" Backup) | 62 | 7 | Bit Copy | |
California Games | 52 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
California Games | 52 | 18-19 | Sector Edit | |
California Games | 53 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
California Games | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
California Games | 57 | 16-17 | Sector Edit | |
California Games | 59 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
California Games (IIgs) | 64 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Cannonball Blitz | 1 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Cannonball Blitz | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Cannonball Blitz | 26 | 10-11 | Basic Pgrm+Hex Dump | |
Cannonball Blitz | 61 | 21-22 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Canyon Climber | 10 | 8 | File Copy | |
Capturing protected DOS | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Car Builder | 52 | 15 | Binary Patch+Sctr Edit | Issue 56, page 4 and issue 54, page 4 |
Car Builder | 63 | 22 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Career Focus | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Carriers at War | 51 | 32 | DOS Conversion | |
Casino | 4 | 3 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "Zork I" in issue #1, page 5
Castle Wolfenstein | HCU3.1 | 9 | Cntrlr or File Copy | | IOB program in HCv1#3 and/or Muffin
Castle Wolfenstein | 39 | 12 | Controller | |
Castle Wolfenstein | 44 | 9 | RWTS | CU3.2, page 15 | Use "Controller Writer" to create this controller
Castle Wolfenstein | 55 | 19 | RWTS & Controller | |
Castle Wolfenstein (Update) | 45 | 6 | Muffin Ptch+Sctr Edit | Issue #50, page 15, column 3 at Core Apple Logo |
Cat'N Mouse | 49 | 32 | Controller | |
Cat'N Mouse | 56 | 21 | Disk Copy/Sector Edit | |
Catalyst 2.0 & 3.0 | 43 | 26-27 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Catalyst 3.0 | 44 | 10-11 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
Catalyst 3.0 (3.5") | 61 | 20-21 | Binary Patches | |
Catalyst 3.0 3.5" (IIgs) (Partial) | 51 | 17 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #44, page 10-11
Caverns of Freitag | 6 | 6-7 | File Copy | |
Cdex Training programs | 43 | 9 | RWTS | |
Centipede | 46 | 6 | Controller | |
Centipede | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit + Copya | |
Certificate Maker | 39 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Certificate Maker | 43 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Certificate Maker (IIgs) | 62 | 9 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #43, page 24
Championship Baseball | 59 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Championship Boxing | 50 | 40 | Sector Edits | |
Championship Boxing | 51 | 33 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Championship Golf | 47 | 40 | RWTS + Basic Patch | |
Championship Loderunner | 38 | 7 | Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #22, pg 11. Senior or mod ROM
Championship Loderunner with Editor | 42 | 5 | Sector Copy | | Softkey for "Lode Runner" in issue #22, page 11
Championship Wrestling | 50 | 36 | Sector Edits | |
Championship Wrestling | 51 | 33 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Championship Wrestling | 53 | 8-9 | Controller | |
Championship Wrestling | 57 | 16-17 | Sector Edit | |
Championship Wrestling (Take Grind Out) | 56 | 26 | Controller+Sector Edit | |
Charlie Brown's 1,2,3's | 47 | 15-17 | RWTS + Hello Patch | |
Charlie Brown's 1,2,3's | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Charlie Brown's 1,2,3's | 56 | 21 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Charlie Brown's ABC's | 17 | 8 | RWTS | |
Charlie Brown's ABC's | 55 | 8 | DOS Patch | |
Charlie Brown's ABC's | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Checkers 2.1 | 29 | 12-13 | Cntrlr+Patch+Sctr Copy | | Diskedit program
Chess 7.0 | 35 | 24-25 | Controller | | Controller for "Masquerade" in same issue & page
Chess 7.0 | 48 | 22-23 | Binary Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Chessmaster 2000 | 51 | 33 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | Issue 53, page 4 |
Chessmaster 2000 (Fix RAMcard check) | 48 | 35-36 | RWTS | |
Chief of Detectives/Drawing Conclusions | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Chipwits | 33 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Choplifter | 23 | 10-12 | Hex Dumps (Lots) | |
City Country Opposites | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Classmate | 28 | 14-15 | RWTS | |
Clip Art Collection Vol.1 | 59 | 27 | Copya Alt. | |
Clock Works | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Club Backgammon (IIgs) | 62 | 28 | Sector Edits | |
Cobra Cavern (IIgs) | 56 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Codes and Cyphers | 42 | 4 | DOS Patch | |
Cofa Courseware (Needs COFACOPY Basic prgm) | 61 | 19-20 | Disk Copy/Catalog Move | Issue #62, page has listing of the missing Basic program | SREAD/SWRITE, issue #24 and
Basic program COFACOPY
College Entrance Exam Prep. | 21 | 8-9 | Bit Copy+Binary Patch | |
Colonial Conquest | 53 | 7-8 | Controller | | Customized F8 ROM or RAMcard
Color Me | 36 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Color Me | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Color Print Shop | 52 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Combining the Elements | 51 | 30-32 | File Copy + Hello Pgrm | |
Commando | 50 | 36 | Sector Edits | |
Commando | 51 | 33 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Comprehension Skills I & II | 53 | 31 | RWTS | | Softkey for "Reading Style Invty" issue #53, page 31
Compu-Bridge | 44 | 26-27 | Sector Edit+DOS Patch | |
Computer Ambush | 52 | 28 | Binary Patches | | Softkey for SSI's RDOS to PDOS issue #52 pages 24-28
Computer Prep. for SAT 3.1E | 50 | 14 | RWTS | |
Computer Prep. for the SAT | 39 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Computer Prep: SAT | 14 | 6-7 | Controller | |
Conan | 34 | 7-8 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Concepts in Science | 52 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Conflict in Vietnam | 50 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Conquering Whole Numbers | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Controlling the I.O.B. (Softkey #3) | HCv1#3 | 36-37/53 | Controller | | Nibbler program
Coordinate Math | 53 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Copy II Plus 4.4C | 39 | 9 | Bin.Patch+Hex Dump | |
COPYA copying | 13 | 5 | DOS Patch + Disk Copy | |
Copying and Retaining the Protection | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Cosmic Combat | 9 | 8/31 | RWTS | |
Countdown to Shutdown | 45 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Countdown to Shutdown | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Counting Critters | 48 | 34 | RWTS | |
Counting Critters | 49 | 21-22 | RWTS | | Advanced Demuffin Plus
Counting Critters | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Cours Et Gagne v1.0 | 59 | 8 | RWTS + File Copy | |
Coveted Mirror | 42 | 11 | RWTS + Basic Pgrm | |
Coveted Mirror | 44 | 24 | Controller | |
Coveted Mirror | 54 | 34 | DOS Patch | |
Coveted Mirror | 55 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Cracking on the IIe with Auxilliary Mem. | 58 | 16 | Binary File Capture | | Apple IIe with Extended 80col card
Cranston Manor | 40 | 7 | RWTS + Controller | | Dos 3.2 RWTS in a binary file
Crazy Mazey | 34 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Create with Garfield | 44 | 7 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Create with Garfield | 54 | 17 | DOS Patch & File Copy | |
Create with Garfield | 63 | 17 | DOS Patch | | Altered DOS 3.3 disk from article before this softkey
Create With Garfield "Some notes on Garfield" | 61 | 17 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #44, page 7
Create with Garfield (Partial) | 55 | 8 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #44, page 7
Create with Garfield (Partial) | 56 | 36 | DOS Patch/File Copy | | Utility to format track $23
Create with Garfield Deluxe Version | 55 | 13-14 | Sectr Edit or Bin Ptch | |
Creating the Constitution | 60 | 34 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Creative Contraptions | 51 | 30 | DOS Patch + Sectr Edit | |
Crime Stopper | 45 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Crime Wave | 40 | 9 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dump | |
Crimson Crown | 44 | 25-26 | Sector Edit | |
Crisis Mountain | 31 | 22 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Crisis Mountain | 34 | 10-11 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Crisis Mountain | 39 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #34, page 10
Crisis Mountain | 50 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
Crisis Mountain (Partial) | 51 | 35-36 | Non-Working Problem | | Softkey for same in issue #50, page 16
Critical Reading | 36 | 7 | RWTS+Hello+Sector Edit | | Demuffin Plus
Cross Clues | 61 | 15-16 | RWTS + File Copy | | Senior PROM or way into monitor + file utilities pgrm
Crossbow | 64 | 9 | File Rename | |
Crossfire | 16 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Crossword Magic 3.0 | 17 | 25-28 | Hex Dump + DOS Patch | Issue 20, page 14 |
Crossword Magic 4.0 | 64 | 34-35 | Controller/Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #60, page 7
Crossword Magic 4.0 (Partial) | 60 | 7 | Controller | | "Sword of Kadash" controller, issue #27, page 16-17
Crosswords | 16 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use "Artsci software" controller in same issue & page
Crown of Arthain | 42 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Crush, Crumble, & Chomp | 7 | 5 | File Copy | | Replay II card and "Softmove" program on Replay disk
Crypt of Medea | 55 | 32 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Crystal Caverns | 31 | 8-9 | File Copy | | Muffin
Cubit | 32 | 12-13 | Binary + DOS Patches | |
Customized Alphabet Drill | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Customized Flash Spelling | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Cut and Paste | 13 | 26 | Controller | | Use "Electronic Arts" controller in same issue & page
Cyclod | 38 | 14-15 | Bootcd Trace+Hex Dump | |
Daisy Professional | 54 | 30-33 | File Copy/Sector Edit | |
Dam Busters, The | 40 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Dam Busters, The | 47 | 23-24 | Controller | |
Dam Busters, The | 49 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Dam Busters, The | 54 | 15 | Controller | |
Dark Crystal | 5 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Dark Crystal | 37 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Dark Tower, The | 60 | 22 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Data Factory 5.0 | 8 | 14-15 | File Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Data Reporter 2.0 | 1 | 4 | Binary File Patch | |
Dataquest: Fifty States | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Dataquest: Presidents Data Base | 64 | 14 | RWTS | | DeMuffin Plus
Dave Winfield's Batter Up! | 29 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | |
Dave Winfield's Batter Up! | 56 | 30 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Dawn Patrol | 4 | 29-30 | Controller | |
Dazzle Draw | 20 | 5-6 | Bit Copy | | EDD III
Dazzle Draw | 21 | 24-28 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dump | |
Dazzle Draw | 59 | 11-12 | Cntrlr/SctrEdit/HexDmp | |
Dazzle Draw (IIc Update) | 26 | 6 | Binary Patches | | Softkey for same in issue #21, page 24
Dazzle Draw IIc (with 3.5 ROM) | 62 | 19 | Btcode Trace/Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #21, page 24-28
DB Master | 7 | 6 | Copya Mod+Sector Edit | |
DB Master 4 | 10 | 8 | Bit Copy | | EDD III or Locksmith 5.0
DB Master 4 | 13 | 4 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith 5.0 and EDD III
DB Master 4 Plus | 21 | 15 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | Issue 23, page 6 |
DB Master 4 Plus | 25 | 12 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #21, page 15
DB Master 4.0 | 11 | 5 | Bit Copy | | Nibbles Away II
DB Master 4.2 | 25 | 10-11 | Controller | | Controller "DB Master 4 Plus" in issue #21, page 15
DB Master Business Writer | 25 | 10-11 | Controller | | Use "Stoneware" controller in same issue & page
Deadline | 1 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Deadline | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Death in the Caribbean | 23 | 9 | RWTS | |
Death in the Caribbean (Update) | 31 | 5 | Volumn # Change | | Softkey for same in issue #23, page 9
Death Sword | 58 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Death Sword | 60 | 31 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Death Sword | 60 | 13-14 | Controller/Bin.Patch | |
Death Sword | 61 | 19 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | | "Arctic Antics" softkey in issue #56, page 25
Deathlord | 62 | 11-12 | RWTS/Hxdmp/Basic Pgrm | |
Deathlord (Player Scenario disks) | 62 | 11-12 | Controller | |
Decimals 3.0 | 42 | 15 | Controller | |
Decisions Decisions | 62 | 28 | File Copy/Hello Pgrm | |
Deep Space | 57 | 17 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Defender (Single binary file) | 13 | 5 | File Copy | |
Defender of the Crown (IIgs) | 61 | 11-12 | Sector Edit | |
Delta Drawing | 30 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "Story Maker" in issue #22, page 4
Deluxe Paint (IIgs) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Deluxe Paint II (IIgs) | 50 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Demolition Division | 13 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use controller "DLM software.13" in same issue & page
Deprotection Tips for Beginners | 37 | 16-17 | Bootcode Tracing | |
Design Your Own Home: Architecture | 58 | 7 | Controller | | Or use softkey for "Troll Micro Crswre" in #53, page 22-3
Design Your Own Home: Interior | 58 | 7 | Controller | | Or use softkey for "Troll Micro Crswre" in #53, page 22-3
Design Your Own Home: Landscape | 58 | 7 | Controller | | Or use softkey for "Troll Micro Crswre" in #53, page 22-3
Designer's Pencil | 40 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Designware prgms (column 2, 1st para.) | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | | "Storymaker" softkey, issue #22, page 4
Designware programs | 18 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | |
Destroyer | 48 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Destroyer | 49 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Destroyer | 53 | 35-36 | Controller | |
Destroyer | 56 | 33-34 | Controller | |
Destroyer (IIgs) | 54 | 23 | Sector Edit | Issue 56, page 18 |
Destroyer (IIgs) (Bug) | 56 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Development Learning Materials programs | 13 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use controller "DLM software.13" in same issue & page
Dic*Tion*Ary, The | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Dig Dug | 55 | 7 | Hello Pgrm/Hex Dump | | Article "Utility...pages of Memory" issue #55, page 8-9
Dig Dug (Single binary file) | 13 | 5 | File Copy | |
Digital Paintbrush System | 55 | 33-34 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Dine System, The | 25 | 5 | DOS Patch | |
Dino Eggs | 23 | 7 | Controller | |
Dino Eggs | 50 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
Dinosaur Dig | 25 | 6 | RWTS or DOS Patch | |
Dinosaur Dig | 47 | 23 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Dinosaurs | 64 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Direct Current | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Discovery! | 39 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Disk Director | 28 | 25 | Cntrlr or DOS Patch | |
Disk Optimizer II | 56 | 14-15 | Binary File Capture | |
Dive Bomber | 64 | 27 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
DLM software (Development Learning Materials) | 25 | 9 | Controller | |
Dollars & Sense | 35 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Dollars & Sense | 42 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Dollars & Sense III.12 | 19 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Copy II Plus 4.4C
Dollars & Sense III.14 | 19 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Locksmith 5.0 Rev. Level F
Dome Bookkeeping | 60 | 34 | Copya Modification | |
Dome Simplified Bookkeeping System | 57 | 36 | Controller with Mod. | | Article "Modify SIOB to R/W...Track", issue #53, page 7
Donald Duck's Playground | 39 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Dondra | 61 | 36 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Donkey Kong | 6 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Donkey Kong | 54 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
DOS 3.2 (13 Sector) Disks | HCv1#2 | 29 | File Copy/DOS Patches | | Your favorite Nibbler program and Muffin13 program
DOS 3.3 (16 Sector) Disks | HCv1#2 | 29-30 | File Copy/DOS Patches | | Your favorite Nibbler program and Muffin16 program
Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex | 49 | 23 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus + read "Avalon Hill Games" issue #37/pg 9
Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex | 57 | 29-30 | RWTS | |
Dragonfire | 42 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Dragonworld | 30 | 28 | Controller | |
Dragonworld | 56 | 32 | Binary File Patch | |
Draw Plus (IIgs) | 50 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Draw Plus (IIgs) (Update) | 50 | 21 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #49, page 15
Draw Plus V1.0 (IIgs) | 49 | 15-16 | Sector Edit | |
Dream House | 53 | 26 | File Copy | |
Dream Zone (IIgs) | 53 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Dungeons | 4 | 29-30 | Controller | |
E-Z Draw | 23 | 20 | DOS Patch | |
E-Z Learner | 34 | 4 | Add Basic Program | |
E-Z Learner | 40 | 8 | File Copy | |
Early Games for Children | 19 | 8 | RWTS | |
Early Games for Young Children | 32 | 26 | RWTS | |
Earth Orbit Station | 53 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Earth Orbit Station | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Earth Orbit Station | 53 | 36-37 | Controller | |
Earth Orbit Station | 57 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Earthly Delights | 31 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Easy as ABC | 30 | 8-9 | RWTS | | Controller "Easy as ABC" in same issue & page
Easy Graph | 62 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Echo 1.0 | 49 | 19 | Hex Dump | |
Echo Plus | 39 | 14-15 | Bootcd Trace+Hex Dump | |
EDD I (Essential Data Duplicator I) | 8 | 24-26 | Hex Dump | |
EDD III (Essential Data Duplicator III) | 10 | 7-8 | Patch | | Softkey for "EDD I" in issue #8, page 24
EDD III (Essential Data Duplicator III) | 28 | 4 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
EDD III (Essential Data Duplicator III) | 60 | 12-13 | Bootcode Trace | |
EDD III (Update) | 31 | 5-6 | Binary Patches | | "Quicker Aux" #25, pg 6 and "EDD Syndrome" #28, pg 4
EDD IV (Essential Data Duplicator IV) | 49 | 16-18 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dump | |
EDD IV (Fix to run on IIgs) | 61 | 9 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #49, pages 16-18
Egbert II Communications Disk | 5 | 16-19 | Bootcd Trace+File Copy | Issue 7, page 30 (3 Bugs) | Muffin
Egbert II Communications Disk (Update) | 7 | 4 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #5, page 16
Eidolon | 33 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Eidolon | 43 | 6 | Controller | |
Eidolon | 50 | 38-39 | Sector Edit | |
Einstein Compiler | 40 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Einstein Compiler | 51 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Einstein Compiler 5.3 | 11 | 6-7 | Sector Edit | |
Electronic Arts (Deprotecting...) | 13 | 26 | Controller | | Use "Electronic Arts" controller in same issue & page
Electronic Arts RWTS (How to use...) | 53 | 27-28 | Sector Edit+Pgrm Input | |
Electronic Arts software | 24 | 10-12 | Sector Edit | |
Electronic Arts software | 56 | 28 | Sector Edit | |
Electric Crayon ABC's | 50 | 25 | Binary File Patch | |
Electric Crayon Series | 51 | 27 | File Copy | | Copy II+ (Softkey under Normalizing Polarware's...")
Electronic Devices | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Elementary Math | 62 | 28 | File Copy/Hello Pgrm | |
Elementary Social Studies Vol.3 | 64 | 14-15 | RWTS | |
Elementary Social Studies Vol.6 | 64 | 15 | RWTS | |
Elite | 43 | 25 | File Copy | |
Elite | 52 | 20-22 | File Copy | |
Empire I | 47 | 38-39 | RWTS | |
Empire I & II (Partial) | 52 | 32 | RWTS | | Softkey for same in issue #47, page 38
Empire II | 47 | 39 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
En Vacances | 56 | 14 | DOS or Binary Patches | |
En Ville | 56 | 14 | DOS or Binary Patches | |
En Ville | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Enchanter | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Encyclopaedia Britannica programs | 40 | 9 | Controller | |
Epyx New Releases & pgrms w/Prolok | 64 | 8 | Bit Copy | | EDD v4.0 or later
Equation Math | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Escape | 44 | 10 | Controller | |
Escape from Rungistan | 15 | 6 | File Copy+Sector Edit | |
Estimation | 55 | 18 | Cntrlr/Sctredit/Hello | |
European Nations and Locations | 52 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Evelyn Wood's Dynamic Reader | 29 | 8 | Add Basic Program | |
Everybody's Planner | 59 | 17 | Disk Copy | |
Expedition Amazon | 50 | 12 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Controller for "Sword Of Kadash" in issue #27, page 16-17
Expedition Amazon | 54 | 34 | DOS Patch/File Copy | |
Extended Bookends | 33 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
F-15 Strike Eagle | 24 | 19 | Controller | |
F-15 Strike Eagle | 30 | 4 | Controller | |
F-15 Strike Eagle | 30 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
F-15 Strike Eagle | 35 | 14-15 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
F-15 Strike Eagle | 38 | 7 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #24, page 19
F-15 Strike Eagle (Partial) | 31 | 4-5 | Bin.Patch+Sector Edit | |
F-15 Strike Eagle (Under "Dan Halfwit", last para.) | 60 | 36 | Disk + Bit Copy | |
Facemaker | 11 | 4 | Bit Copy | | Copy II +
Facemaker | 50 | 40 | Change Basic Pgrm | |
Facemaker | 58 | 7 | DOS Patch + Copya | | "Kids on Keys" softkey in issue #54, page 35-36
Facemaker | 64 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Factory, The | 30 | 10 | RWTS | |
Factory, The | 57 | 37 | Controller | |
Fahrenheit 451 | 34 | 5-6 | Copya+Binary Patches | |
Fahrenheit 451 | 36 | 10 | Binary Patch | |
Fantavision | 30 | 24-25 | Btcode Trace+Sctr Edit | |
Fantavision | 45 | 5 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 24
Fantavision (IIgs) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Fantavision (Update) | 36 | 4 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 24
Fantavision (Update) | 38 | 5 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 24
Fantavision (Update) | 48 | 32-33 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 24
Fat City | 18 | 5-6 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Stickybear Series" issue #15, page 10
Fat City | 51 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Fathoms 40 | 24 | 8 | Controller | |
Fay: Word Hunter | 55 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Fight Night | 46 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Fight Night | 51 | 33-34 | Sector Edit | |
Fight Night | 56 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Final Conflict | 45 | 8 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Financial Cookbook | 15 | 6 | Sector Edit | | Replay, Alaska, or Wildcard
Financial Cookbook | 26 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
First Letter Fun | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Fish Scales | 50 | 24-25 | Controller | |
Fishes 1.0 | 34 | 14-15 | RWTS/Hex Dump | |
Fix It | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Flashcalc | 23 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Fleet System 3 | 44 | 28-29 | Binary Patches | |
Flight Simulator (Update) | 45 | 24 | Machine Code | | Softkey for same in issue #36, page 23
Flight Simulator 2.0 | 51 | 7 | Sector Edit+Hex Dump | | Softkey "Flight Simulator Update" in issue #45, page 24
Flight Simulator II | 18 | 4 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith 5.0 + drive speed adjustments
Flight Simulator II (1.05) | 36 | 23-27 | Btcodetrace+Hexdumps | Issue 51, page 4 | Source code listing-in #37/pg 27 to verify all hex dumps
Flight Simulator II (Partial) | 38 | 28-29 | RWTS | |
Flight Simulator II (Partial) | 45 | 5 | Binary Patch | Issue 49, page 4 | Softkey for same in issues #36/pg 23 and #37, page 27
Flight Simulator II v2.0 (Fix) | 64 | 27 | Sector Edit/Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #51, page 7
Flip Out | 12 | 11-13 | File Copy | |
Focusing on Language Arts (Series) | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Following Written Directions | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Fooblitzky | 52 | 23 | Controller | |
Forbidden Castle | 43 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
Forbidden Castle | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Forecast: Your At-Home Weather Station | 53 | 30 | Disk Copy | |
Fortran | 62 | 29-30 | Copya Alt. | |
Foundation Course in Spanish, 6th Ed. | 46 | 10 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Fraction Concepts Inc. | 53 | 25 | Sector Edit | |
Fraction Factory | 62 | 12-13 | RWTS + Controller | |
Fraction Munchers | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Fraction Practice Unlimited | 53 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Fractions | 62 | 30-31 | Controller | |
Frogger | 41 | 28-29 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
Fun from A to Z | 50 | 23-24 | Controller+Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Fun with Direction | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Fundamental Capitalization... | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Fundamental Punctuation Practice | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Fundamental Spelling Words in Context... | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
G.I. Joe | 33 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
G.I. Joe | 56 | 33-34 | Controller | |
G.I. Joe | 61 | 21 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Galaxian | 64 | 25 | RWTS | |
Galaxy Math Facts Decimals/Fractions | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Galaxy Search/Predicting Outcomes | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Game Frame | 62 | 28 | Sector Edits | |
Game, The | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Games - Summer Edition, The | 64 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Garfield Deluxe Edition | 60 | 33-34 | Sector Edit | |
Garfield Double Dares | 56 | 21 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Gary Kitchen's Game Maker | 49 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Gary Kitchen's Game Maker | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Gary Kitchen's Game Maker | 50 | 21 | Sector Edits | | Softkey "Great Amer. CC Road Race" in issue #39, page 11
Gary Kitchen's Game Maker | 57 | 7-8 | BootcodeTrace/SctrEdit | |
Gato | 23 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Gato | 30 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Gato (Update) | 32 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Gato 1.3 | 36 | 5 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | |
Gato 1.3 | 38 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | |
Gato 1.3 (Correction) | 42 | 6 | Controller Correction | | Softkey for same in issue #36, page 5
Gato 1.3 (Partial) | 59 | 17-18 | Sector Edit | | Locksmith with ABT (Automatic Boot Tracer)
Gato v1.3 | 62 | 29 | Copya Ptch/File Copy | |
Gauntlet | 58 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Gauntlet | 58 | 36 | Sector Edit | | Softkey "Infiltrator II" in issue #52, page 35
Gauntlet | 61 | 19 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | | "Infiltrator" softkey in issue #56, page 8
Gauntlet (IIgs) | 60 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
GBA 2-on-2 Championship Basketball (IIgs) | 51 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
GBA Championship Basketball | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
GBA Championship Basketball (IIgs) | 53 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Gemstone Warrior | 41 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Gemstone Warrior (Update) | 47 | 22 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #41, page 14
Gemstone Warrior (Update) | 47 | 33 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #41, page 14
General Chemistry | 29 | 15 | Bit or Card Copy | | Replay, Alaska, or Wildcard
General Chemistry Disk #8 | 54 | 34-35 | Controller | | Or use softkey for "Ultima IV" in issue #28, page 10
General Manager | 36 | 8-9 | Binary File Patches | |
General Manager | 56 | 25 | RWTS | |
Genesis | 53 | 15-16 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
Geoworld | 62 | 28 | Sector Edits | |
Germany 1985 | 18 | 27-29 | Hex Dump+Basic Pgrm | |
Gessler Spanish software | 26 | 27 | Controller | Issue 29, page 9 | Controller "Gessler software" in same issue & page
GFL Championship Football | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | | Softkey for "Labyrinth" in issue #46, page 4
GFL Championship Football | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
GFL Championship Football | 53 | 36 | Controller | |
Ghost Rider | 53 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Ghostbusters | 37 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Ghostbusters | 40 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Gold Rush | 9 | 7-8 | RWTS | |
Goldfinger | 59 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Goldfinger | 59 | 37 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Golf's Best | 38 | 9 | DOS Patch+Sector Copy | | CIA programs
Gomoku | Cv3#3 | 25 | File Copy/Bas.Pgrm.Mod | | DeMuffin Plus
Good Thinking! | 35 | 8-9 | Sector Edit | |
Goofy Ghost | 43 | 7-8 | File Copy | |
Goonies | 44 | 22-23 | Controller | |
Goonies | 53 | 18 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue #60, page 17-18 |
Goonies | 56 | 20-21 | Controller+Sector Edit | | "Zorro/Goonies" controller in issue #44, page 22-23
Goonies (Fix) (Under "Stephen Lau", last para., col 3) | 60 | 17-18 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #53, page 18
Grade Manager 2.3 | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Grammer Gremlins | 64 | 19 | File Copy/Rename | |
Grandma's House | 22 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Graphic Adventure #1 | 33 | 7 | File Copy | |
Graphic Solution | 47 | 38 | RWTS + Sector Edit | |
Graphic Writer 1.0 & 1.1R (IIgs) | 50 | 20-21 | Sector Edit | |
Graphic Writer 2.0 (IIgs) | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Graphic Writer 1.0" in issue #50, page 20
Graphic Writer V1.1RA (IIgs) | 51 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Graphics Expander | 43 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Graphics Studio (IIgs) | 54 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Graphics Studio (IIgs) | 62 | 25 | Sector Edits | |
Graphmaster | 24 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Great American Cross-Country Road Race | 46 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Great American Cross-Country Road Race | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Great American Cross-Country Road Race | 53 | 36 | Controller | |
Green Globs & Graphing Equations | 54 | 33 | RWTS | |
Grid Designer | 52 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Grolier Knowledge Explorer software | 24 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Growing Up Small | 51 | 15 | Copya Patch | |
GS software (IIgs) | 47 | 34 | Tips | | Bit copiers
Guitar Wizard | 47 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Gumball | 34 | 26-28 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dump | |
Gutenberg, Sr. | 56 | 12 | Copya Patch | |
H.E.R.O. | 41 | 9 | Controller | |
H.E.R.O. | 52 | 22 | Binary Patch | |
Hacker | 28 | 24 | Binary Patch | |
Hacker II | 48 | 38 | Binary Patch | |
Hacker II | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Hacker II (IIgs) | 56 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Hacker II (IIgs) (Partial) | 50 | 21 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #48, page 20
Hacker II (ProDOS 16, V1.0) (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Hacker II (Update) | 45 | 6 | Binary Patch | Issue #50, page 15, column 3 at Core Apple Logo |
Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers | 57 | 21-22 | Binary Patch | |
Halley Project | 28 | 22 | Controller | |
Halley Project | 35 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Halley Project (Fix) | 37 | 4 | Controller | | Softkey for same in article "Mindscape" issue #28, pg 22
Halley Project (Update) | 41 | 6 | Controller | |
Handlers, The | 46 | 8 | Bin.Patch or Sctr Edit | |
Handlers, The | 50 | 26-28 | Controller | |
Hard Hat Mack | 5 | 22-23 | Bootcode Trace | |
Hard Hat Mack (Update) | 38 | 25 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #5, page 22
Hardball | 33 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball | 45 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #33, page 9
Hardball | 48 | 25 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball | 49 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball | 50 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball | 56 | 25-26 | Controller+Sector Edit | |
Hardball (IIgs) | 53 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball (IIgs) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Hardball (IIgs) | 57 | 15 | Sector Edits | | Formatted 5.25" diskette
Hardball (IIgs) | 57 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Hartley software (Medalist Series) | 32 | 23 | Controller | | Use "Hartley software (A)" controller same issue & page
Hartley Software (Under "Some notes on...) | 61 | 16 | Copya Patch | |
Hayden software | 8 | 6-7 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Hayes Terminal Program | 27 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Heist, The | 22 | 6-7 | Controller | |
Hi-Res Computer Golf II | 12 | 6 | Controller | |
Hi-Res Cribbage | 35 | 10-11 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
Hi-Res Secrets | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
High Seas | 62 | 19 | Copya Alts | |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | 21 | 28 | Bit Copy | | Copy II + 4.3 with parms., Copy II+ 4.4, or EDDv2
Hobbit, The | 34 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Hobbit, The | 35 | 28 | Sector Edit | |
Hobbit, The | 55 | 19 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Holy Grail, The | 26 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Home Accountant, The | 5 | 26 | File Copy | |
Hometown | 62 | 28-29 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Homeword 1.2 | 8 | 3 | Bit Copy | |
Homeword 2.1 | 39 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Homeword Speller | 25 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Homeworker | 64 | 23 | Bit Copy/File Copy | | Copy II+
Homonyms in Context | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
How about a nice game of Chess? | 35 | 24-25 | Controller | | Use this cntrlr or "Masquerade" controller on SIOB disk
HSD Statistics Series software | 19 | 7 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Hyperspace Wars | CU3.2 | 3 | File Copy | | Muffin
I, Damiano | 34 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
I, Damiano | 38 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
IIgs software signature fix | 56 | 7-8 | Bootcode Trace | |
Ikari Warriors | 52 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Ikari Warriors | 53 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
In Search of the Most Amazing Thing | 22 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Inca | 26 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Incredible Laboratory | 41 | 6 | RWTS | |
Individualized Study Master | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Industrial Electronics | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Inferno | 41 | 27 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator | 47 | 25 | Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator | 47 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator | 48 | 23 | RWTS + Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator | 49 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator | 56 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Infiltrator II | 50 | 36 | Sector Edits | |
Infiltrator II | 52 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Infocom (Update) | 11 | 4 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Softkey "Backing Up Starcross" in issue #5, page 20
Infocom games | 24 | 4-5 | Binarypatch+Sctr Edit | |
Infocom software | 42 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Infomaster | 24 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Information Master | 43 | 22-24 | Cntrlr+Basic Pgrm | |
Injured Engine | 24 | 20-21 | Sector Edit | |
Inside Outside Opposites | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Inside Outside Shapes | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Instant Music (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Instant Music (IIgs) | 50 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Instant Music (IIgs) | 62 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Instant Pascal | 33 | 26-27 | Sector Edit | |
Instant Recall | 26 | 12-13 | RWTS + Program Patches | |
Integer Programs | HCv1#2 | 30 | Binary Patch | | Article "Open-heart Surgery" in issue HCv1#1, page 27
Interlude II | 39 | 5 | Hello Program Patch | |
International Granprix | 44 | 12 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | |
Intrigue | 51 | 34 | Copya Patch | |
Introduction to Counting | 28 | 13 | DOS Patch + File Copy | |
Isle of Men | 24 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
J & S Grade Book v5.4.1 | 63 | 7 | File Copy/Binary Patch | |
J & S Gradebook | 60 | 24 | File Copy/Hello Mod. | | RAM card with at least 150K
J-Bird | 48 | 36-37 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 52, page 4 |
Jane | 44 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Jenny of the Prairie | 29 | 8-9 | RWTS | |
Jenny of the Prairie | 38 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for same in issue #29, page 8
Jenny's Journeys | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Jenny's Journeys | 53 | 14 | Controller | |
Jet Simulator (Partial) | 51 | 36 | Binary Patches | | Use softkey for "Flight Sim." in issue #36, page 23
Jigsaw | 44 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Jingle Disk | 31 | 8 | Controller | |
Joe Theisman's Pro Football | 44 | 11 | Controller | |
Jumpman | 59 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Jungle Hunt | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit + Copya | |
K.C.'s Deals on Wheels 1.0 | 46 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Kabul Spy | 13 | 4 | Bit Copy+Sector Edit | | Locksmith 4.1
Kabul Spy | 42 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Kalamazoo Teacher's Record Book 2.0 | 54 | 18 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | "DOS-Up" or other DOS moving utility
Kamikaze | 8 | 6-7 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Karate Champ | 31 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Karate Champ | 41 | 5 | Sctr Edit+Sector Copy | |
Karate Champ (Update) | 36 | 6 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #31, page 9
Karateka | 23 | 16-17 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dumps | |
Karateka (Fix) | 39 | 4 | Binary Patch | |
Key Perfect 5.0 | 45 | 8 | Binary Patch | |
Keyboard Kadet | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Keyperfect | 40 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Kid Nikki Radical Ninja | 53 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Kids on Keys | 47 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Kids on Keys | 54 | 35 | DOS Patch | |
Kids on Keys (Fix) | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #47, page 37
Kidwriter | 20 | 7-8 | Cntrlr + Hex Dump | |
Kidwriter 1.0 | 36 | 11 | Controller | |
Killed Until Dead | 63 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Kindercomp | 45 | 23 | Controller | |
Kindercomp | 51 | 16 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus or controller in inssue #45, page 23
Kindermath | 62 | 28 | Sector Edits | |
King Cribbage | 21 | 4 | RWTS | |
King's Quest | 30 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest (IIgs) | 60 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest I & II (IIgs) | 61 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest I (IIgs) | 59 | 7 | Sector Edit | Issue #63, page 10 |
King's Quest I (IIgs) | 60 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest I (IIgs) | 62 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest II | 33 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest II | 36 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest II | 58 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest II & III (IIgs) | 63 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest II (IIgs) | 62 | 25-26 | Sector Edits | |
King's Quest III | 61 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest III | 62 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
King's Quest III | 64 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Knoware | 14 | 6 | Sector Edit | Issue 15, page 5 |
Knowing Numbers | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Koronis Rift | 34 | 8-9 | Sector Edit | |
Kracking Vol. II | 32 | 8 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Krell Logo Ver. A | 10 | 8 | RWTS | |
Krell SAT Series | 13 | 5 | File Copy | | Demuffin
Kung-Fu Master | 50 | 40 | Sector Edits | |
Kung-Fu Master | 51 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Kung-Fu Master | 53 | 8 | Controller | |
La Corrida de Toros | 26 | 27 | Controller | Issue 29, page 9 | Use "Batalla..." (#26/Pg 27) or "Gessler software" cntrlr
Labyrinth | 46 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Labyrinth | 57 | 22 | Binary Patch | |
Laf Pack | 13 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Laf Pack, Normalized (BRUNable games) | 13 | 9-11 | Hex Dump+Binary Patch | |
Lancaster | 5 | 9/12 | File Copy | |
Last Gladiator, The | 13 | 26 | Controller | | Use "Electronic Arts" controller in same issue & page
Last Ninja, The (IIgs) | 64 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Law of the West | 46 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Law of the West | 51 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Lazer Maze | 56 | 19 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Lazer Maze | 60 | 21 | RWTS | |
Le Demenagement | 56 | 14 | DOS or Binary Patches | |
Le Demenagement | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Le Francais Par Ordinateur | 52 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Le Francais Par Ordinateur: | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Learn about Sounds in Reading | 29 | 9 | File Copy | |
Learning to Tell Time | 53 | 22-23 | Controller | | Controller for "Dragonworld" in issue #30, page 28
Learning with Fuzzywomp | 27 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | |
Learning with Leeper | 13 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Leisure Suit Larry | 60 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Leisure Suit Larry (IIgs) | 53 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Leisure Suit Larry (IIgs) | 60 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
Leisure Suit Larry (IIgs) (Fix) | 59 | 36 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #53, page 19
Leisure Suit Larry (Partial) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Leisure Suit Larry/Lounge Lizards (IIgs) | 55 | 19-20 | Sector Edit | |
Les Sports | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Let's Go Fishing | 63 | 21 | Sector Edit/DOS Alt. | |
Let's Learn about Money | 53 | 22-23 | Controller | | Controller for "Dragonworld" in issue #30, page 28
Let's Learn about the Library | 53 | 22-23 | Controller | | Controller for "Dragonworld" in issue #30, page 28
Letters and Words | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Letters for You | 53 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Liberated Backups Retaining Protection | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Life Saver | 31 | 20-21 | Hex Dumps | | Modified F8 ROM or RAMcard in slot 1
Light Simulator | 42 | 29 | Hex Dump | Issue 42, page 6 |
Light Simulator (Fix) | 42 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #42, page 29
Lion's Share, The | 12 | 14-15 | Controller | |
Lion's Workshop | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
List Handler | 46 | 8 | Binary Patch | |
List Handler | 50 | 26-28 | Controller | |
Little Computer People Discovery Kit | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Little Computer People Discovery Kit | 51 | 13 | Sector Edits | |
Little Computer People Discovery Kit | 51 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Little Computer People Discovery Kit | 52 | 13 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Shanghai" in issue #49, page 29
Locksmith 5.0 | 8 | 3 | Sector Edit | |
Locksmith 5.0 | 12 | 4 | Parameter change | | Locksmith 5.0 program
Locksmith 5.0 (Patch) | 13 | 5 | Sector Edit | Issue 14, page 9 | Article "More on Bit Copiers" issue #10, page 4
Locksmith 5.0 Fast Copy (Rev F) | 14 | 15,27 | Hex Dump + Patch | |
Locksmith 5.0 Fastcopy | 20 | 4-5 | Keyboard Reset Trick | |
Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy | 43 | 12-14 | Btcode Trace+Text File | |
Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy (5 Second Fastboot into...) | 56 | 12-13 | Sctredit/Basic/Hexdump | #62, page 21, last para. and #63, page 24, last para. | An original Electronic Arts
Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy (Update) | 49 | 27 | Binary File Patches | |
Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy for IIgs | 50 | 37 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | Issue 55, page 4 and 37 | Softkey for same in issue #43, page 12
Locksmith 6.0 Fastcopy for IIgs (Fix) | 55 | 37 | Binary Patch+Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #50, page 37
Lode Runner | 22 | 11-12 | Hex Dump | |
Lode Runner | 28 | 26-27 | Cntrlr + Hex Dump | |
Lords of Conquest | 53 | 20-21 | Sector Edit | |
Lords of Conquest ("Example Controllers") | 60 | 11 | Controller | |
Lucifer's Realm | 42 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Lucifer's Realm | 47 | 34 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #42, page 9
Lucky's Magic Hat | 46 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Luscher Profile | 39 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
M-ss-ng L-nks | 57 | 37 | Controller | |
M-ss-ng L-nks Series | 39 | 7-8 | RWTS | |
Mabel's Mansion | 48 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Magic Slate | 25 | 6 | Bit Copy | | Copy II+ 5.0
Magic Slate | 37 | 7 | Binary Pgrm Edit | |
Magic Slate (Both Sides) | 49 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Magic Spells | 53 | 30 | Sector Edit | | Senior Prom
Magic Spells | 63 | 32 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Magic Window II | 2 | 6-8 | Hellopgrm+DOS Patch | |
Magic Window II (and other Artsci prgms) | 16 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use "Artsci software" controller in same issue & page
Magic Words | 16 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use "Artsci software" controller in same issue & page
Magical Myths (IIgs) | 60 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Magical Myths (IIgs) | 61 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Make Your Own Murder Party | 51 | 34-35 | Sector Edit | |
Management Edge | 59 | 16-17 | Bootcode Trace/Contrlr | |
Maniac Mansion | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
Maniac Mansion | 51 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Maniac Mansion | 51 | 36-37 | Sector Edits | |
Manuscript Manager | 42 | 13 | Controller | |
Manuscript Manager | 47 | 34 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #42, page 13
Maps & Globes: Latitude & Longitude | 53 | 22-23 | Controller | | Controller for "Dragonworld" in issue #30, page 28
Maps & Globes: Latitude & Longitude | 60 | 36 | DOS Patch / Copya | |
Marauder | 22 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Marble Madness | 47 | 27-28 | Sector Edit | |
Marble Madness | 48 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Marble Madness | 53 | 27 | Binary File Patch | |
Marble Madness (IIgs) | 53 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Marble Madness (IIgs) | 54 | 22-23 | Sector Edit | |
Marble Madness (IIgs) | 57 | 28 | Binary Patch | |
Market Place, The | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Mars Cars | 23 | 21 | Hex Dump+Sector Edit | | Create ARD (Anti Reboot Disk) as outlined
Mask of the Sun | 7 | 27 | File Copy | |
Mask Parade | 30 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Masquerade | 35 | 24-25 | Controller | Issue 53, page 4 |
Masquerade (Fix) | 54 | 33 | Copya Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #35, page 25
Master Diagnostics II & II+ | 55 | 22-23 | RWTS & File Copy | |
Master Diagnostics IIe | 51 | 16-17 | RWTS | |
Master Diagnostics IIe | 52 | 7-8 | RWTS | |
Master Diagnostics IIe (Fix) | 57 | 9 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #52, page 7
Master of the Lamps | 39 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Master of the Lamps | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Master Word | 36 | 5 | Hello Program mod. | |
Mastering the SAT | 30 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Mastering the SAT | 39 | 8-9 | Sector Edit | |
MasterType | 15 | 8-9 | RWTS | |
MasterType | 18 | 6 | RWTS | | Softkey for same in issue #15, page 8
MasterType 2.1 | 55 | 13 | RWTS & Sector Edit | |
MasterType 2.1 | 60 | 17 | Copya Mod./Hello Prgm | | Softkey for same in issue #55, page 13
Mastery Arithmetic | 58 | 10 | Disk Copy | | Advanced Copya, issue #54, page 27 near bottom 1st col
Mastery Arithmetic Games | 50 | 9 | Controller | | Softkey for side B of Sword of Kadash in issue #27/pg 17
Matchmaker (Early Games) | 24 | 9 | Controller | |
Matchmaker World Geography Facts | 62 | 34-35 | RWTS | |
Math Blaster | 53 | 10 | Cntrlr + Binary Patch | | Controller for "Speed Reader II" in issue #39, page 29
Math Blaster | 57 | 22-23 | RWTS + Hello Program | | Newswap and Fast Controllers from Starter Kit Disk
Math Blaster (Partial) | 54 | 19 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue #58, page 4 |
Math Blaster (Partial) | 61 | 15 | Cntrlr + Hello Alt. | | "Double DOS" program, same issue, pages 12-14
Math Critters | 48 | 34 | RWTS | |
Math Critters | 49 | 21-22 | RWTS | | Advanced Demuffin Plus
Math Rabbit | 50 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Math Sequences | 28 | 6 | Disk Copy+Sector Edit | |
Math Shop | 61 | 35 | File Rename | |
Math Shop | 64 | 14 | Copya Patch/File Copy | |
Mathblasters | 61 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Mathemagic | 14 | 7 | RWTS+DOS Patch | |
Mathematics (Series) | 55 | 21-22 | DDS Patch & Copya | |
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing | 62 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (IIgs) | 60 | 18-19 | Sector Edit | |
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (IIgs) | 61 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
Maxi Golf | 62 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Maxwell Manor | 54 | 28 | RWTS | |
Mean 18 (Golf) (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
MECC Dataquest: Fifty States | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
MECC Software (1987) | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
MECC's 1985 Mastering Math Software | 53 | 10-11 | RWTS | |
Megabots | 48 | 24-25 | File Copy | |
Megabots | 61 | 16 | Hello Alteration | |
Megaworks | 21 | 7 | Copya Patch | |
Meteor Multiplication | 25 | 9 | Controller | |
Mickey's Space Adventure | 25 | 5 | Binary File Patch | Issue 27, page 6 |
Mickey's Space Adventure | 57 | 28 | Binary Patch | |
Micro Addition/Subtraction | 61 | 34 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Micro Power & Light Programs | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Micro Wine Companion | 47 | 22 | RWTS | |
Micro-Computer Learning Games | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Microbe | 31 | 22 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Microcomputer Interfacing | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Microprocessors | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Microtype | 64 | 15 | DOS Patch/File Copy | | DeMuffin Plus
Microtype (Speedup) | 44 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #29, page 14
Microtype: Wonderful World of Paws | 29 | 14 | RWTS + Sector Edit | |
Microwave | 18 | 5 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Microwave | 44 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Microzine #12, 13, 14 | 47 | 27 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Microzine #14 Fun House | 57 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Microzine #17 | 50 | 21 | Sector Edits | |
Microzine #18-23 | 53 | 30 | Sector Edit | Issue #63, page 8, last paragraph |
Microzine #21 & #22 | 56 | 9 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Microzine #23 | 52 | 16 | File Copy | |
Microzine #24 | 57 | 9-10 | Hello Program Alt. | |
Microzine #25 | 61 | 23-24 | Hello Prgm Alt | | "Microzine #24" softkey, issue #57, page 9
Microzine #26 | 58 | 10 | Disk Copy | | Advanced Copya, issue #54, page 27 near bottom 1st col
Microzine #26 (Partial) | 61 | 24 | Controller | | "Colonial Conquest" cntrlr pg 8 + article pg 7, issue #53
Microzine programs | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Microzines | 27 | 14 | Sector Edit+File Copy | |
Microzines 1-5 | 27 | 10-11 | RWTS | |
Microzines 7-9 | 27 | 12-13 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Midi/4 | 28 | 28 | Bin+Bas Pgrm Patches | |
Midi/8 Plus | 39 | 22 | Bin.Patch+Hello Pgrm | |
Might & Magic | 47 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Might & Magic | 48 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Might & Magic | 50 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Might & Magic | 50 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Might & Magic | 52 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Milliken Math Series (1980) | 57 | 26 | RWTS | | DeMuffin Plus
Milliken Word Processor | 56 | 13-14 | Sector Edit | |
Millionaire | 12 | 7 | File Copy | Issue 13, page 8 |
Millionaire | 15 | 7 | RWTS | |
Millionaire | 30 | 12-15 | DOS Patch + File Copy | |
Millionaire | 49 | 33 | RWTS | |
Millionaire II | 56 | 27 | Disk + File Copy | |
Milton Bradley software | 18 | 4 | Copya Patch | |
Mind Mirror | 49 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Mind Mirror | 53 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Mind Over Matter | 62 | 22 | RWTS | | Optional: Advanced DeMuffin 1.1 or later
Mind Over Minors (Teacher's Edition) | 60 | 23 | Disk Copy/Hello Prgm. | |
Mind Prober | 19 | 5 | RWTS | | Softkey for "Millionaire" in issue #15, page 7
Mind Prober | 25 | 7 | Hello Program Patch | |
Mind Prober | 57 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Mind Prober | 60 | 23 | Disk Copy/Hello Prgm. | |
Mindscape (Learning Well Series) | 61 | 16 | Copya Patch | | (3rd paragraph, 2nd column)
Mindscape prgms in Pascal | 61 | 16 | Block Edit | | (4th para., 2nd column), Bag of Tricks or similar
Mindscape prgms using "FORTH" operating system | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #28, page 22-23
Mindscape prgms using (Dinky DOS) | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | | (2nd column, paragraph 2)
Mindscape programs | 28 | 22 | Controller | |
Mindshadow | 47 | 32 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Borrowed Time" in issue #39 page 24
Miner 2049'er | 22 | 10 | RWTS | |
Miner 2049'er | 27 | 7 | Controller | |
Miner 2049'er II | 48 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Mini-Putt | 64 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Minit Man | 10 | 28-29 | Cntrlr + File Copy | |
Minit Man | 13 | 4 | Copya or File Copy | | Softkey for same in issue #10, page 28
Minn. Ed.Computing Consortium software | 47 | 25-26 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Minnesota Educational Cmptg Consortium | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Minnesota Educational Cmptg Consortium | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Minus Mission | 13 | 7-8 | Controller | | Use controller "DLM Software.13" in this issue & page
Minus Mission | 25 | 9 | Controller | |
Miss Mouse | 45 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Missing Ring, The | 47 | 37-38 | File Copy | |
Mission in our Solar System | 50 | 15 | Controller | | "Halley Project" controller, issues #28/pg 22 + #41/pg6
Mist, The | 28 | 22 | Controller | |
Mist, The | 53 | 31 | Sector Edit | |
Mixed Numbers | 31 | 4 | Copya Patch | |
Moebius | 32 | 8 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | "Ultima IV" controller in issue #28, page 10
Moebius | 50 | 15 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | "Ultima IV" cntrlr + "Moebius" softkey in issue #32/pg 8
Monatan Reading Program | 63 | 8-9 | File Copy/Binary Patch | |
Money Manager | 35 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Money Works | 53 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Monty Plays Scrabble | 42 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
More Stickybears | 26 | 28 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | Issue 56, page 4 and issue 29, page 9 |
Morloc's Tower | 22 | 8 | File Copy | Issue 24, page 6 | Muffin
Morning Star Math | 53 | 30 | Copya DOS Patch | |
Morning Star Math (or Spelling?) | 57 | 27 | Copya Alt. | |
Mountain Climbing/Cause & Effect | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Mouse Budget | 32 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Mouse Calc | 45 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Mouse Desk | 32 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Mouse Word | 32 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Mouse Word | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Mousepaint | 36 | 22 | DOS Patches | |
Mousepaint | 47 | 23 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #36, page 22
Mouskattack | 7 | 6/30 | Binary File Mod. | |
Movie Maker | 32 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Movie Maker | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit | |
Movie Maker | 51 | 7-8 | Sector Edits | | Softkey "Artic Fox" in issue #48, page 36
Movie Monster Game, The | 53 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Movie Monster Game, The | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Movie Monster Game, The | 57 | 16-17 | Sector Edit | |
Movie Monster Game, The | 59 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory | 24 | 7 | Hex Dump | |
Mufplot | 23 | 13 | RWTS | |
Multiplan | 1 | 4 | Controller | | Controller for same in issue #2, page 8
Multiplan | 2 | 8 | Controller | |
Multiplan (Fix) | 3 | 12 | Controller | | Softkey for same in issue #2, page 8
Multiplication Puzzles | 53 | 10-11 | RWTS | |
Multiscribe 2.0 | 56 | 11-12 | Copya Patch+File Copy | |
Multiscribe 3.0 | 56 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Multiscribe 3.0 | 59 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
Multiscribe 3.0 (IIgs) (Update) | 60 | 29 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same, issue #56, page 17-18
Multiscribe 3.01C (IIgs) | 56 | 17-18 | Sector Edit | |
Multiscribe 3.0C (IIgs) | 53 | 31-32 | Sector Edit | |
Mummy's Curse | 41 | 8 | RWTS | |
Muppet Slate v1.0 | 58 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Murder by the Dozen | 29 | 28 | File Copy | |
Murder on the Mississippi | 43 | 7 | Binary Patch | |
Murder on the Mississippi | 53 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Murder on the Zinderneuf | 27 | 9 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Music Construction Set | 9 | 7 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith or Copy II +
Music Construction Set | 12 | 27-28 | File Copy or Sctr Edit | |
Music Construction Set | 51 | 19 | Binary Patch | |
Music Construction Set (IIgs) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | | 2nd 3.5 drive or 800K RAMdisk
Music Construction Set (IIgs) | 50 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Music Construction Set (IIgs) | 52 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Music Construction Set (Partial) (IIgs) | 50 | 21 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #48, page 21
Music Construction Set (Revisiting...) | 32 | 10-11 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 33, page 6 |
Music Made Easy | 53 | 26 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Music Studio (IIgs) | 48 | 39 | Sector Edit | |
Music Studio (IIgs) | 50 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Music Studio (ProDOS 16, V1.0) (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Mychess II | 40 | 12-13 | Hex Dump | |
Mychess II | 44 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Mystery Sentences | 53 | 30 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "Microzines" in issue #27, page 15
NAM | 38 | 5 | Copya Patch | | Use softkey for "SSI's RDOS" in issue #30, page 24
NATO Commander | 38 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
NATO Commander v1.2? | 60 | 25-26 | Sector Edit | |
Negotiation Edge | 59 | 16-17 | Bootcode Trace/Contrlr | |
New Oregon Trail | 48 | 26 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
New Oregon Trail | 64 | 17 | Controller/Sector Edit | |
Newsroom | 23 | 18-19 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Newsroom | 27 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Newsroom (under "Some notes on Scholastic") | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Night Mission Pinball | 22 | 13-14 | Bootcode Trace | |
Night Mission Pinball | 27 | 4-5 | Binary Patch | | Letter about "A2-PB1" in issue #24, page 5
Night Mission Pinball | 54 | 20-21 | Bootcode Trace | |
Nightmare Gallery | 59 | 26 | RWTS + Controller | |
Nine Princes in Amber | 36 | 9-10 | Binary Patch | |
Notable Phantom | 47 | 22 | RWTS | |
Note Card Maker | 47 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Notes 'N' Files (IIgs) | 64 | 13-14 | Sector Edit | |
Number Bowling | 64 | 19 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Number Farm | 44 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Number Farm | 45 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Number Munchers | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Number Munchers 1.2 | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Numbers Count | 53 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Odell Lake | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Ogre | 46 | 11 | Controller | |
Oils Well | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Old Ironsides | 22 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Olympic Decathlon | 35 | 12-13 | Hex Dump + Cntrlr | |
On Balance | 62 | 29 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
One on One | 13 | 26 | Controller | | Use "Electronic Arts" controller in same issue & page
One on One | 39 | 10 | Controller | |
One on One | 49 | 24 | Sector Edit + Cntrlr | |
One on One | 61 | 24-25 | Controller | |
One Word | 62 | 28-29 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Operation Frog | 25 | 6 | Cntrlr or DOS Patch | |
Operation Frog | 44 | 8 | RWTS + File Copy | | FID
Operation Frog | 46 | 5 | Controller | |
Operation Frog | 53 | 30 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "Microzine 7-9" in issue #27, page 12
Operation Frog | 63 | 14-15 | Copya Patch/Bit Copy | | Copy II+
Operation Market Garden | 52 | 28 | Basic Pgrm Mod. | | Softkey for SSI's RDOS to ProDOS issue #52 pages 24-28
Operational Amplifiers | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Opposites Attract | 53 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Opto-Source | 18 | 31 | RWTS | | FID
Oregon Trail 1.4 | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Organic Chemistry | 29 | 15 | Bit or Card Copy | | Replay, Alaska, or Wildcard
Original Boston Computer Diet, The | 31 | 12-13 | Sector Edit | |
Other Side, The | 38 | 26-27 | Controller | |
OThexder | 62 | 25 | Sector Edit | | Original Thexder Program
Pac-Man | 62 | 18 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Pac-Man, Un-2-ing (IIgs) | 47 | 34 | Binary Patch | | Broken Pacman program
Paint with Words | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Paintworks Plus (IIgs) | 48 | 30-31 | Sector Edit | |
Paintworks Plus (IIgs) | 50 | 9 | Binary Patch | |
Paintworks Plus (ProDOS 16, V1.0) (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Paintworks Plus 1.0, 1.01 (IIgs) | 48 | 38 | Sector Edit | |
Paintworks Plus V1.0 (IIgs) | 49 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Paintworks Plus V1.1 (IIgs) | 49 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Pandora's Box | 6 | 5-6 | Sector Edit | |
Pandora's Box (Update) | 45 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Panzer Grenadier | 38 | 5 | Copya Patch | | Use softkey for "SSI's RDOS" in issue #30, page 24
Paper Models - The Christmas Kit | 55 | 36-37 | Sector Edit | |
Paperboy (IIe ProDOS version) | 64 | 10 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Paperboy (IIgs) | 60 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Paris en Metro | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Patchworks | 59 | 16-17 | Bootcode Trace/Contrlr | |
Path Tactics | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Path Tactics | 64 | 15 | Controller | |
Paul Whitehead Teaches Chess | 48 | 26-27 | Sector Edit | |
Peanut's Math Matcher | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Peanut's Maze Marathon | 17 | 8 | RWTS | |
Peanut's Maze Marathon | 54 | 17 | DOS Patch & File Copy | |
Peanut's Maze Marathon | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Peanut's Picture Puzzlers | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Pegasus | 60 | 34 | Sector Edit | |
Pegasus II | 37 | 12-13 | Binary Pgrm Mod. | | Demuffin Plus
Penguin software | 13 | 14-15 | Controller | | Use "Penguin software" controller in same issue & page
Perfect Score | 35 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | Issue 36, page 6 |
Perfect Score (Update) | 42 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #35, page 7
Periodic Table | 41 | 12 | Add Basic Program | |
Perry Mason | 36 | 9-10 | Binary Patch | |
Perry Mason & The Case/Mandarin Murder | 34 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Perry Mason & The Case/Mandarin Murder | 55 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Personal Friend | HCU3.3 | 9 | Bit Copy | |
Pest Patrol | 4 | 20-23 | Bootcode Trace | |
Petro-Calc | 54 | 11 | RWTS | |
PFS Computer Checkup (XPS Diagnostics) | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) | 14 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) | 21 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) | 42 | 9 | Sector Edit | | Softkeys in issue #'s 14/pg 6, 21/pg 5 and 22/pg 4
PFS: (F/G/P/W) (Convert to 3.5" disks) | 61 | 22 | Binary Patch | Issue #64, page 8 under "PFS.Write" |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) (ProDOS version) | 50 | 28-29 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) (ProDOS versions) | 31 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: (F/G/P/W) (Update) | 22 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #14, page 6
PFS: (File/Graph/Plan/Write) 3.5" (IIgs) | 52 | 33 | Binary Patch | |
PFS: File (School Version) | 47 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: Graph (ProDOS) | 58 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
PFS: Write (Partial) | 64 | 8 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #61, page 22
Phantasie | 52 | 28 | File Copy | | Softkey for SSI's RDOS to ProDOS issue #52 pages 24-28
Phi Beta Filer | 27 | 15 | RWTS | |
PHM Pegasus | 46 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
PHM Pegasus | 48 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
PHM Pegasus | 49 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Phonics Prime Time | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Phonics Prime Time - Blends & Digraphs | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Phonics Prime Time - Vowels I & II | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Picture Phonics | 59 | 28-29 | Disk + Bit Copy | |
Pie Man | 48 | 38 | Controller | | Softkey & cntrlr "Sword Of Kadash" in issue #27, page 16
Piece of Cake | 13 | 7 | Controller | | Use controller for "Snooper Troops" in same issue & page
Pinball Construction Set | 23 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Pinball Construction Set | 51 | 37 | Bit Copy | | Copy II+ 7.1 and parameters shown
Pinball Construction Set | 60 | 7 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Pirate Adventure | 47 | 24-25 | File Copy | |
Pirates! | 61 | 7-8 | File Copy/Sector Edit | |
Pirates! (IIgs) | 61 | 8 | Binary Patch/File Copy | |
Pitfall II | 41 | 9 | Controller | |
Pitfall II | 56 | 19-20 | Controller | Issue #60, page 4 |
Pitstop II | 28 | 8 | Controller | |
Pitstop II | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit + Copya | |
Pixit | 32 | 14-15 | Controller | |
Pixit | 44 | 20 | File Copy + Patches | |
Plasmania | 36 | 9 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Plato Computer Literacy Intro | 15 | 7 | RWTS | |
Poetry Express | 48 | 34 | DOS Patch | |
Police Artist | 54 | 11 | RWTS | |
Polywriter 1.2 | 58 | 10-11 | Hello Program | |
Pond, The | 57 | 37 | Controller | |
Pool 1.5 | 60 | 35-36 | RWTS | |
Pooyan | 35 | 7 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Portal | 49 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Portal | 50 | 36 | Sector Edits | |
Practical Grammar | 54 | 17 | DOS Patch & File Copy | |
Prentice Hall prgms (Under "Some notes on...") | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Preschool Fun | 26 | 8-9 | RWTS | |
Presenter | 61 | 20 | Binary Patches | |
Prince | 32 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Principal's Assistant | 50 | 10-11 | DOS Patch | |
Principles of Economics | 64 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Print Master Plus | 52 | 14 | File Copy | | Copy II+ 7.3
Print Shop | 17 | 13-15 | Cntrlr+Binary Patch | Issue 18, page 21 (two bugs) |
Print Shop (Color Version) | 46 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (Color Version) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (Color Version) | 52 | 32 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (IIgs) | 50 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (IIgs) | 51 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (IIgs) | 52 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop (ProDOS 8 V1.4) (IIgs) | 50 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop Companion | 32 | 7 | Controller | |
Print Shop Companion | 37 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Print Shop Companion Driver Game | 39 | 19 | Binary Pgrm Save | |
Print Shop Graphics Lib/Holiday Ed. | 50 | 19 | Sector Edits | |
Print Shop Graphics Lib/Holiday Ed. | 51 | 34 | Bit Copy | | Copy II+ 7.4
Print Shop Graphics Library | 23 | 8-9 | Controller | |
Print Shop, A New | 44 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Printographer | 59 | 28 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Prisoner II | 4 | 15 | Binary File Patch | |
Prisoner II | 42 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
ProDOS 16 protection (IIgs) | 47 | 34 | Sector Edit | |
Project Space Station | 62 | 14 | Controller | |
Project Space Station | 62 | 31 | DOS & Fast Cntrlr Alts | |
PSAT Word Attack Skills | 63 | 29 | RWTS | |
PSAT/SAT Analogies | 63 | 29 | RWTS | |
Pulse & Logic Waveforms | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Punctuation Skills | 31 | 4 | Copya Patched | |
Puzzles and Posters | 46 | 11 | Controller | |
Puzzles and Posters 1.6 | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 | From "Group A"
Queen of Phobos | 35 | 24-25 | Controller | | Use "Masquerade" controller in same issue & page
Quest, The | 13 | 14-15 | Controller | | Use "Penguin software" controller in same issue & page
Quest, The | 41 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Questron | 52 | 28 | DOS Patch+Basic Mod. | | Softkey for SSI's RDOS to ProDOS issue #52 pages 24-28
Quicken | 37 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Quickflash! | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Quotient Quest | 48 | 34 | RWTS | |
Quotient Quest | 49 | 21-22 | RWTS | | Advanced Demuffin Plus
Quotient Quest | 53 | 10-11 | RWTS | |
Race Track/Reading for Detail | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Racter | 42 | 7-8 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Racter | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Rad Warrior | 58 | 8 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Rad Warrior | 60 | 23 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Rad Warrior | 62 | 19 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Raid over Moscow | 45 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Railroad Works | 55 | 37 | Bit & File Copy | | EDD IV or IV+ and DOS Alterer from Computist Strtr Kit
Railroad Works | 56 | 19 | RWTS | Issue #60, page 4 | Demuffin Plus
Railroad Works | 60 | 21 | RWTS | |
Rainbow Painter | 63 | 17-19 | Copya Ptch+Alt/SctrEdt | |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | 43 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Rambo: First Blood Part II | 63 | 17 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | | Altered DOS 3.3 disk from article before this softkey
Rampage | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Randamn | 39 | 15 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Random House Library Management programs | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Raster Blaster | 40 | 14-15 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | | Customized F8 ROM or RAMcard
Ratios & Proportions | 31 | 4 | Copya Patch | |
RDF 1985 | 18 | 27-29 | Hex Dump+Basic Pgrm | |
Reach for the Stars | 18 | 27-29 | Hex Dump+Basic Pgrm | |
Read and Rhyme (IIgs) | 62 | 25 | Sector Edits | |
Reader Rabbit | 40 | 6 | File Copy | |
Reader Rabbit | 49 | 33 | Controller | | Softkey for "Alice in Wonderland" issue #35, page 8
Reader Rabbit | 50 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Reader Rabbit | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Reader Rabbit | 64 | 37 | Copya Alt./File Copy | |
Reader Rabbit (IIgs) | 50 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Reader's Treasure Chest | 59 | 28-29 | Disk + Bit Copy | |
Reading Comprehension - Main Idea & Details | 57 | 26-27 | RWTS | |
Reading Skills Two | 63 | 31 | RWTS | |
Reading Style Inventory | 53 | 31 | RWTS | |
Reading Workshop | 62 | 37 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Real Math | 59 | 28-29 | Disk + Bit Copy | |
Realm of Impossibility | 50 | 20 | Sector Edits | | Softkey for "Arctic Fox" in issue #49, page 16 or 33
Realm of Impossibility | 53 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Realm of Impossibility | 56 | 20 | Controller | | Same as "Earth Orbit Station" in issue #53, page 36
Regatta | 43 | 8-9 | RWTS | |
Regatta | 52 | 20 | RWTS | |
Regress II | 19 | 7 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Regulated Power Supplies | 46 | 12 | RWTS | |
Rendezvous | 28 | 13 | DOS Patch + File Copy | |
Rendezvous | 37 | 8 | RWTS+File or Trk Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Rendezvous | 51 | 18-19 | Binary Patch | |
Rendezvous | 54 | 36 | Basic Pgrm Alt | |
Rendezvous with Rama | 19 | 6 | Controller | |
Rendezvous with Rama | 36 | 10 | Binary Patch | |
Report Card 1.1 | 20 | 7 | File Copy | |
Rescue at Rigel | 34 | 7 | File Copy | | Muffin
Rescue on Fractalus | 61 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Rescue Raiders (Mockingboard Patch) | 35 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Rescue Raiders 1.2 | 16 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Ring Quest | 52 | 11 | Controller | | Ultima I controller in same issue, previous page
Ring Quest | 54 | 29 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Rings of Zilfin | 52 | 11 | Controller | | Ultima I controller in same issue, previous page
Rings of Zilfin | 57 | 31 | Controller | |
Rings of Zilfin | 58 | 10 | Controller | | Softkey for "Wizard's Crown" in issue #42, page 11-12
Ringside Seat | 52 | 28 | Basic Pgrm Mod. | | Softkey for SSI's RDOS to ProDOS issue #52 pages 24-28
Road Rally U.S.A. | 60 | 34-35 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Roadwar 2000 | 54 | 35 | DOS Patch | |
Roadwar Europa | 54 | 35 | DOS Patch | |
Robomath | 60 | 22 | Sector Edit | | "Mindplay Software" softkey, issue #52, page 17
Robot Odyssey I | 28 | 12 | Copya Patch+Sctr Edit | |
Robot Odyssey I 2.0 | 50 | 22 | Sector Edits | |
Robot Rascals | 62 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Robot War | 36 | 8 | Controller | |
Robot War | 45 | 6 | File Copy | Issue #50, page 15, column 3 at Core Apple Logo | Demuffin Plus
Robotron | 8 | 8-9 | File Copy | |
Robots of Dawn | 24 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Rocky Horror Show | 48 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Rocky Horror Show | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Rocky's Boots | 14 | 22 | Controller | Issue 16, page 26 |
Rocky's Boots 4.0 | 50 | 32-33 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Rocky's Boots 4.0 | 55 | 24 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Run For It | 62 | 34 | Sector Edit | |
RWTS Copying with FID | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
Sabotage | 12 | 7 | File Copy | |
Same or Different | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Sammy Lightfoot | 5 | 29-30 | Sector Edit | |
Sammy Lightfoot | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Sands of Egypt | 45 | 16 | DOS Patch | |
Saracen | 50 | 39 | Sector Edits | |
Sargon III | 20 | 26 | Controller | |
Sargon III | 22 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Sargon III | 48 | 35 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #20, page 26
SAT Word Attack Skills | 63 | 29 | RWTS | |
Saunders Chemistry C.A.I. | 49 | 23 | File Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Scholastic prgms in ProDOS | 61 | 16 | Block Edit | | (2nd column, 4th para.) Bag of Tricks or similar
School Days/Inference | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Science Professor, The | 54 | 10 | Controller | |
Science Tool Kit | 46 | 26-27 | Controller | Issue 49, page 4 (3 bugs) |
Science Tool Kit | 49 | 26-27 | Sector Edit | Issue 50, page 4 |
Science Tool Kit | 60 | 31-32 | Controller/Sector Edit | | Softkey for same, issue #49, page 26-27
Science Tool Kit | 61 | 25-26 | Cntrlr/Btcdtrce/SctrEd | |
Scrabble (for beginners) | 63 | 30-31 | DOS Patch/File Copy | | Softkey for "Elite" in issue #52, page 20
Screenwriter 2.2 (Update) | 10 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Article "More on Screenwriter" Vol. 3 #3 (Iss#7), page 4
Screenwriter II | 5 | 8 | File Copy+Binary Patch | Issue 7, page 30 |
Screenwriter II 2.0 (Update) | 11 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey "Sierra On-Line", #9/pg 24 and "Back-Up Book"
Screenwriter II 2.2 | 7 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Screenwriter II 2.2 | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Sea Dragon | 56 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Sea Strike (IIgs) | 56 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Sea Strike (IIgs) | 59 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Seadragon | 14 | 8-9 | Controller | |
Search and Rescue | 60 | 34 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Seaspeller | 58 | 28 | Controller | |
Secret Filer | 27 | 12-13 | Sector Edit | |
Sensible Grammar | 33 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Sensible Speller | 55 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Sensible Speller 4.0 | 9 | 9-10 | DOSpatch+Hexdump+Cntrl | |
Sensible Speller 4.1E | 21 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Sensible Speller IV (ProDOS) | 16 | 12-14 | Sector Edit | |
Sensible Speller IV 4.0C & 4.1C | 10 | 6-7 | Hex Dump | |
Sensible Speller IV 4.0C -- 4.2B | 11 | 24-26 | Hex Dump+Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #9, page 9
Sensible Speller IV 4.0I & 4.0K (Fix) | 13 | 5-6 | Sector Edit | |
Serpent's Star | 28 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Sesame St. Electric Coloring Book Series | 54 | 26-27 | Sector Edit | |
Sesame Street Letters for You | 54 | 27 | Copya Patch | | Advanced Copya
Sesame Street Numbers | 54 | 26-27 | Sector Edit | |
Sesame Street's Electric Crayon Series | 53 | 18 | Sector Edit | |
Seven Cities of Gold | 24 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Seven Cities of Gold | 54 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Seven Cities of Gold (Update) | 36 | 4 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Heading says "Eight Cities of Gold" | Softkey for same in issue #24, page 10
Shadowgate (IIgs) | 64 | 36-37 | Sector Edit | |
Shadowkeep | 48 | 14-17 | Btcdtrc+Hxdmp+Sctredit | |
Shanghai | 49 | 29 | Sector Edit | | Review issue #46 "Great Amer/CC Race" + #39,"Shanghai"
Shanghai | 53 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Shanghai | 56 | 31-32 | Binary File Patch | |
Shanghai (IIgs) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Shanghai (IIgs) | 48 | 39 | Sector Edit | |
Shanghai (IIgs) | 50 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Shanghai (IIgs) | 52 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Shanghai (Partial) (IIgs) | 50 | 21 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #48, page 20
Shanghai (ProDOS 16, V1.1) (IIgs) | 48 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Shape Starship v2.1.5 1986 | 64 | 24-25 | DOS Patch | |
Shapes and Patterns | 51 | 15 | Sector Edits | |
Sheila | 16 | 6-7 | Controller | |
Sherlock Holmes | 30 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Sherwood Forest | 35 | 24-25 | Controller | | Use "Masquerade" controller in same issue & page
Shifty Sam | 59 | 27 | File Copy | |
Showoff (IIgs) | 56 | 15-16 | Sector Edit | |
Showoff (IIgs) | 60 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Shutterbug | 56 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Shuttle Intercept | 8 | 6-7 | RWTS | | Demuffin Plus
Sideways | 16 | 25-26 | Hex Dump+Hello Pgrm | |
Sierra On-Line software | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Silent Service | 39 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Silent Service | 46 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #39, page 13
Silent Service | 51 | 19 | Sector Edit | | Softkey "Silent Service" in issue #50, page 30
Silent Service (IIgs) | 52 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Silent Service (IIgs) | 56 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Silent Service (Under "Dan Halfwit", last para.) | 60 | 36 | Disk + Bit Copy | | Bit Copy program that can copy quarter tracks
Silent Service (Update) | 45 | 6 | DOS Patch | Issue #50, page 15, column 3 at Core Apple Logo | Demuffin Plus
Simulation Construction Kit | 59 | 27 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Skate or Die (IIgs) | 63 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Skate or Die (IIgs) | 64 | 37 | Sector Edit | |
Ski Crazed | 57 | 27 | Sector Edit | |
Skyfox | 17 | 7-8 | Controller | |
Skyfox | 39 | 13 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Use "Skyfox" (#17/pg 7) or "Archon" (#21/pg 10) cntrlr
Skylab | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Smart Eyes | 58 | 10 | Disk Copy | | Advanced Copya, issue #54, page 27 near bottom 1st col
Smart Eyes | 61 | 16 | Binary Patch | |
Snake Byte | 7 | 5-6 | Binary Patch | |
Sneakers | 3 | 6 | Hardware Copy/Bin.Ptch | Issue #4, page 32 | Snapshot Copy Card
Snoggle | 45 | 9 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Snooper Troops | 52 | 35-36 | Controller | |
Snooper Troops I & II | 13 | 5 | File Copy | |
Snooper Troops I & II | 13 | 7 | Controller | |
Snoopy to the Rescue | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Snoopy to the Rescue | 56 | 25 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Snoopy to the Rescue | 59 | 27 | File Copy | |
Snoopy Writer | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Snoopy's Reading Machine | 54 | 17 | DOS Patch & File Copy | |
Snoopy's Reading Machine | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Snoopy's Reading Machine | 56 | 25 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Snoopy's Reading Machine | 59 | 27 | File Copy | |
Snoopy's Skywriter Scrambler | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Snoopy's Skywriter Scrambler | 56 | 25 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Snoopy's Skywriter Scrambler | 59 | 27 | File Copy | |
Social Studies Vol. 1 & 2 | 60 | 34 | Copya Modification | |
Softporn Adventure | 11 | 6 | File Copy+Hello Patch | | Muffin
Softswitch | 57 | 24 | Bin.Patch or Sctr.Edit | |
Softswitch (Partial) (IIgs) | 61 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Solo Flight | 60 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
SongWriter | 59 | 12-13 | Controller | |
Sons of Liberty | 53 | 27 | Basic Pgrm Mod. | |
Sorcerer | 51 | 35 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Sorcerer | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Sound Tracks | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Space Adventure | 29 | 4 | Bit Copy | |
Space Eggs | 63 | 25-26 | Boot Code Trace | | Apple IIe with extended 80 column card
Space Quest (IIgs) | 60 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
Space Quest I | 56 | 34 | Sector Edit | |
Space Quest II (IIgs) | 62 | 26 | Sector Edits | |
Space Quest V2.2 (IIgs) | 53 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Space Quest V2.2 (IIgs) (Fix) | 59 | 36 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #53, page 16
Space Shuttle | 30 | 9-10 | Sector Edit | |
Space Station | 47 | 31 | Copya Patch | |
Space Station | 56 | 34 | Controller | |
Speed Reader II | 39 | 28-29 | Cntrlr + Pgrm Patches | |
Speedway Math | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Spell Handler | 50 | 26-28 | Controller | |
Spell It! | 20 | 6 | Bit Copy | | EDD III
Spell It! | 43 | 8 | Hardware Copy | | Senior Prom
Spell It! | 58 | 12-13 | Controller/Sector Edit | |
Spell It! | 59 | 25-26 | Cntrlr/BasMod/SctrEdit | | Controller "Speed Reader II" in issue #39, page 28-29
Spellikazam | 18 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
Spelling and Reading Primer | 28 | 13 | DOS Patch + File Copy | |
Spelling Bee | 28 | 13 | DOS Patch + File Copy | | Sector Edit to recover track 2 to fit all files on disk
Spelling Demons | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Spellworks 1.5 | 37 | 4 | Binary Pgrm Edit | |
Spellworks 1.6 | 46 | 4 | Binary File Patch | |
Spellworks/Mailmerge | 34 | 23-25 | File Copy + Patch | |
Spiderbot | 61 | 34 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
Spindizzy | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Spindizzy | 48 | 28-29 | Binary Patch | |
Spindizzy | 50 | 17 | Sector Edits | |
Spindizzy | 50 | 12-14 | Binary Patch | |
Spinnaker prgms (column 2, 1st para.) | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | | "Storymaker" softkey, issue #22, page 4
Springboard Publisher | 60 | 10 | Sector Edit | Issue #63, page 14 under "Joseph P. Karwoski" |
Spy Hunter | 56 | 32 | Controller | |
Spy Strikes Back | 8 | 6 | Btcde Trace+Hello pgrm | |
Spy Vs Spy | 30 | 26 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Spy Vs Spy I & II | 51 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Spy Vs Spy I & II | 51 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Spy vs Spy III | 60 | 22-23 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Spy's Adventures in Europe | 54 | 27 | DOS Patch | |
Spy's Adventures in Europe | 56 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Spy's Adventures in North America | 52 | 16 | Controller | |
Spy's Adventures in North America | 56 | 35 | Sector Edit | |
Spy's Demise | 25 | 7 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Spy's Demise | 54 | 35 | File Copy/Binary Patch | |
Spy's Demise (Update) | 5 | 7 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith 4.1 and Nibbles Away II
Squire | 25 | 4 | Basic Patch+File Copy | |
SSI's Non-RDOS programs | 18 | 27-29 | Hex Dump+Basic Pgrm | |
SSI's RDOS (Fix) | 21 | 6 | Hex Dump | | Softkey for "Lion's Share" in issue #12, page 14
SSI's RDOS (Update) | 42 | 5-6 | DOS Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #30, page 21
SSI's RDOS programs | 38 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Standing Stones | 17 | 6 | Sector Edit | |
Star Blazer | 46 | 24-25 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Star Fleet I v2.1 | 60 | 37 | Binary File Patch | |
Star Maze | 64 | 19 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Star Trek: Kobayashi Alternative 1.1 | 40 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Starcross | 5 | 20/25 | Cntrlr+Sector Edit | |
Starcross | 47 | 23 | Controller | |
Starcross | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Stargate | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit + Copya | |
Starglider | 64 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
Stats + | 19 | 7 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Stellar 7 (Partial) | 51 | 36 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for "The Quest" issue #41/pg 9 works partially
Stellar Defense | 25 | 6 | Basic Pgrm Mod. | |
Stephen King's: The Mist | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Stephen King's: The Mist | 56 | 36-37 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Stickers | 63 | 17-19 | Copya Ptch+Alt/SctrEdt | |
Stickybear (Tip) | 13 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Stickybear ABC's | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stickybear Basketbounce | 18 | 5-6 | Copya Mod+Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Stickybear Series" issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Bop | 15 | 10 | Sector Edit+Sctr Copy | |
Stickybear Bop (Update) | 18 | 5-6 | Copya Mod+Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Stickybear Series" issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Drawing | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stickybear Numbers | 18 | 5-6 | Copya Mod+Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Stickybear Series" issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Numbers | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stickybear Numbers & Shapes (More Stickybears) | 26 | 28 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | Issue 56, page 4 and issue 29, page 9 |
Stickybear Opposites | 15 | 10 | Sector Edit+Sctr Copy | |
Stickybear Opposites (More Stickybears) | 26 | 28 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | Issue 56, page 4 and issue 29, page 9 |
Stickybear Printer | 47 | 22 | Bin.Patch+Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Printer | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stickybear Printer Lib. I & II | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stickybear Reading Comprehension | 59 | 27 | Copya Alt. | |
Stickybear Series | 15 | 10-12 | Sector Edit | |
Stickybear Series (More Stickybears) | 26 | 28 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | Issue 56, page 4 and issue 29, page 9 |
Stickybear Series (Update) | 17 | 5 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Shapes | 18 | 5-6 | Copya Mod+Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Stickybear Series" issue #15, page 10
Stickybear Townbuilder | 51 | 17 | Sector Edit + Poke | | Softkeys in issue #26/pg 28 and #17/pg 5
Stock Market Simulation | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Story Book - Pixelworks | 53 | 26 | File Copy | |
Story Builder | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Story Maker | 24 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Story Maker | 42 | 5 | File Copy+Basic Pgrm | |
Story Maker | 56 | 8-9 | DOS Patch/Disk Copy | |
Story Maker (64K & 128K) | 41 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Story Starter | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Story Tree | 37 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Story Tree | 53 | 25-26 | RWTS+Basic Pgrm Mod. | | Demuffin Plus
Story Writer | 64 | 19 | FID Alt/File Copy | |
Storymaker (actually Story Machine) | 22 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Strategic Simulations Inc (SSI) RDOS disks | 30 | 21-23 | Btcode Trace+Hex Dump | | 3.2 Dos
Strategic Simulations Inc (SSI) RDOS disks | 52 | 23-28 | Hex Dump + Basic Pgrm | |
Strategies for Test Taking | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Street Sports Baseball | 50 | 36 | Sector Edits | |
Street Sports Baseball | 50 | 40 | Sector Edits | |
Street Sports Basketball | 56 | 25 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Street Sports Soccer (IIgs) | 62 | 27 | Sector Edits | |
Strip Poker | 42 | 10 | DOS Patch | |
Strip Poker | 49 | 23 | DOS Patch | |
Studio II | 55 | 23 | Hello Ptch & Hex Dump | |
Sub Battle Simulator | 56 | 19 | Sector Edit | | May need softkey "California Games" issue 50, page 19
Sub Mission | 50 | 39 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Sub Mission | 57 | 28 | Copya Patch/Sctr Edit | |
Subtraction Puzzles | 53 | 10-11 | RWTS | |
Suicide | 12 | 6-7 | Binary File | |
Summer Games | 21 | 8 | Controller | |
Summer Games II | 33 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Sunburst's Science Series software | 41 | 6 | RWTS | |
Sundog 2.0 | 33 | 14-15 | Controller | |
Super Boulder Dash | 45 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for "Boulder Dash I & II" in issue #38, page 24
Super Boulder Dash | 50 | 26 | Sector Edits | |
Super Boulder Dash | 51 | 16 | Sector Edits | |
Super Boulder Dash | 59 | 8-9 | Sector Edit | |
Super Boulder Dash (Fix) | 54 | 29 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #50, page 26
Super Bunny | 49 | 18-19 | RWTS | |
Super Controller | 17 | 12 | Controller | |
Super Huey | 53 | 9 | File Copy+Basic Pgrm | |
Super Huey | 53 | 13 | Disk Copy Incl Trk$23 | |
Super Huey | 53 | 22 | Basic Pgrm Mod. | |
Super Print! | 52 | 16 | File Copy | |
Super Sign Maker | 64 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Super Sunday Football | 49 | 25 | Controller | |
Super Sunday Football | 54 | 27-28 | RWTS & Hello Pgrm | |
Super Sunday Football | 56 | 25 | RWTS | Issue #60, page 4 |
Super Wordfind | 53 | 26 | File Copy | |
Super Zaxxon | 26 | 7 | Controller | |
Swap 3.2 DOS to 3.3 (3rd col., 2nd para.) | 60 | 11 | Controller | | User input DOS mods. and 13 sector RWTS file
Swashbuckler | 39 | 15 | RWTS | ### |
Sword of Kadash | 27 | 16-17 | Controller | |
Swordthrust Series | 42 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Swordthrust Series (FastDOS Update) | 47 | 34 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #42, page 12
Swordthrust Series (Update) | 49 | 22 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #42, page 12
Synergistic software | 31 | 22 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Synonyms and Antonyms | 32 | 23 | RWTS | | Use "Hartley Software (B)" cntrlr on SIOB or #32/pg 23
Tactical Armored Command (TAC) | 23 | 8 | RWTS | |
Take 1 | 25 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Take 1 | 32 | 14-15 | Sector Edit | |
Take 1 | 37 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Take 1 | 43 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Take 1 Deluxe | 63 | 10 | Sector Edit | |
Tales from the Arabian Nights (IIgs) | 61 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
Tales of Fantasy Series | 60 | 22 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Talisman | 54 | 12 | Controller | | Controller for "Sword Of Kadash" in issue #27, page 16
Tapper | 60 | 16-17 | DOS Patch/Sector Edit | |
Tarturian | 41 | 27 | Controller | | Use "Hartley Software (B)" controller issue #32, page 23
Tass Times in Tonetown | 50 | 37 | Sector Edits | |
Tass Times in Tonetown | 52 | 22-23 | Binary Patch | |
Tass Times in Tonetown | 53 | 22 | Sector Edit | |
Tawala's Last Redoubt | 32 | 28 | RWTS | |
Tax Accountant, The | 57 | 45 | File Copy + Sctr Edit | | DeMuffin
Tax Advantage | 9 | 6 | File Copy | |
Telarium software | 36 | 9-10 | Binary Patch | |
Teleporter | 48 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Tellstar | 13 | 8 | File Copy | | Muffin
Tellstar II | 54 | 27 | RWTS | |
Temple of Apshai | 32 | 4 | File Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Temple of Apshai Trilogy | 43 | 7 | RWTS | |
Temple of Apshai Trilogy | 48 | 37 | Copya + Patch | |
Temple of Apshai Trilogy (Fix) | 51 | 35 | Bit Copy | | Copy II+ 7.4 and softkey for same in issue #48, page 37
Term Paper Writer | 49 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Terrapin Logo | 34 | 12 | RWTS | |
Terrapin Logo 1.2 | 30 | 5 | RWTS | | Softkey is titled "Potpourri"
Test Maker | 55 | 34-35 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Tetris | 62 | 22-23 | Controller/Sector Edit | | Fast Controller
Tetris (IIgs) | 62 | 27 | Sector Edits | |
The Frog & the Fables | 60 | 22 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Theseus and the Minotaur | 4 | 29-30 | Controller | |
Thexder (IIgs) | 50 | 19-20 | Sector Edit | | 512K
Thexder (IIgs) | 51 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Thexder (IIgs) | 62 | 27 | Sector Edits | |
Thief | 33 | 24-25 | Binary File Patches | |
Thief | 49 | 19 | Hex Dump | | Softkey for "Thief" issue #33, page 24
Think Fast | 43 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Think Quick | 52 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
Think Quick 1.0 | 55 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Thinkware | 61 | 16 | Sector Edit | |
Those Amazing Reading Machines III & IV | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Threshold | 29 | 10-11 | RWTS + Sector Edit | | 13 Sector DOS RWTS as binary file
Tic Tac Show (Bootcode Trace softkey) | 15 | 23-25 | Bootcode Trace | Issue 17, page 24 |
Time Capsule/Reading Skills | 57 | 26 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Time is Money | 12 | 7-8 | Sector Edit | |
Time is Money 1.0 F | 28 | 7 | Controller | |
Time Zone | 31 | 7 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 36, page 6 |
Time Zone (Fix) | 6 | 4 | Copya + Nibble Copy | |
Time Zone (Fix) | 44 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #31, page 7
Time Zone 1.1 | 9 | 24-25 | Sector Edit | |
Timeliner | 62 | 28 | Sector Edits | |
Timothy Leary's Mind Mirror | 53 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
Tink's Subtraction Fair | 61 | 21 | Copya Alt./Sector Edit | |
To Preserve, Protect, and Defend | 53 | 24 | Sector Edit | |
Tomahawk | 51 | 32-33 | Sector Edit | |
Tonk! In the Land of Buddy-Bots | 33 | 12-13 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | | Use controller "Tink Tonk" in same issue & page
Top Draw (IIgs) | 48 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Top Draw V1.01A (IIgs) | 54 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Top Fuel Eliminator | 50 | 39 | Sector Edits | |
Top Fuel Eliminator (IIe or IIgs) | 49 | 33 | Sector Edit | |
Tournament Bridge | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Tower of Myraglen (IIgs) | 53 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Tower of Myraglen (IIgs) | 61 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Toy Shop | 62 | 29 | Bit Copy/Sector Edit | |
Trains | 62 | 34 | Copya Alt. | |
Transend II | 40 | 5 | Binary File Patch | |
Translyvania | 48 | 37 | Controller | Issue 49, page 4 |
Transylvania | 13 | 4 | Copya or File Copy | | May need additional fixes
Transylvania | 13 | 14 | Controller | | Use "Penguin software" controller in same issue & page
Transylvania (enhanced edition) | 63 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Treasure Hunt | 62 | 29 | FID & Hello Alts. | |
Treasure Island | 29 | 7 | RWTS | |
Treasure Island | 43 | 6 | Controller | | Softkey/cntrlr "Alice in Wonderland" issue #35, page 8
Trivia Fever | 31 | 10-11 | Sector Edit | |
Troll (Associates Micro) Courseware | 60 | 36 | DOS Patch / Copya | |
Troll (Associates) Micro Courseware | 53 | 22-23 | Controller | | Controller for "Dragonworld" in issue #30, page 28
Troll Associates Programs | 43 | 7-8 | File Copy | |
Troll's Shop Right | 64 | 17 | Controller | |
Troll's Tale | 36 | 7 | Controller | |
Trouble in Space | 43 | 7-8 | File Copy | |
Tubeway | 54 | 7 | Patches/Hello/Sctredit | |
Tubeway (Cracking on the IIe) | 58 | 16 | Binary File Capture | | Extended 80col card in IIe
Tuesday Morning Quarterback | 57 | 23-24 | File Capture/File Copy | | Ability to RESET into the monitor and/or a RAMcard
Turtle Tracks | 47 | 27 | DOS Patch | |
Tutorial Comprehension (Series) | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Twerps | 21 | 29-30 | Bootcode Trace+Hexdump | |
Tycoon | 31 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Type Attack | 12 | 8 | Bit Copy + Sector Edit | Issue 13, page 8 |
Type! | 56 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Type! | 60 | 22 | Copya Mod./Sector Edit | |
Typewriter | 57 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Typing is a Ball, Charlie Brown | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Typing! (Partial Softkey) | 49 | 28 | RWTS | |
Ultima I | 48 | 22 | Controller | |
Ultima I | 52 | 10-11 | Controller | |
Ultima I | 52 | 17-18 | File Copy | |
Ultima I (Some Tips for...) | 1 | 26 | Basic Pgrm Alteration | | Article "Let's Map Ultima" in issue HCU3.2, page 13
Ultima II | 4 | 28 | Sector Edit | |
Ultima II | 4 | 12-13 | Binary Patch | |
Ultima III | 11 | 27-28 | Bootcode Trace+Cntrlr | |
Ultima III (Update) | 43 | 6 | RWTS + Sector Edit | | Softkey/controller "Ultima III" in issue #11, page 27
Ultima III: Exodus (Update) | 14 | 5 | Binary Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #11, page 27
Ultima IV | 28 | 10-11 | Hello Pgrm+Bin.Patch | Issue 32, page 6 |
Ultima V | 60 | 21 | RWTS | Issue #64, page 21 under "Ronald Mundell" |
Ultima V | 61 | 37 | Cntrlr + Hex Dump | |
Ultima V | 62 | 17 | DOS Patch | |
Ultima V | 62 | 35 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Ultima V | 64 | 18 | RWTS | |
Ultraterm Apple Writer Preboot-V | 62 | 13-14 | Controller + Hello Pgm | | Videx Ultraterm or Videoterm 80 column card
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece | 32 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Un Repas Francais | 56 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Under Fire | 37 | 11 | RWTS+Binary Patch | | Demuffin Plus
Under Fire (Partial) | 55 | 24 | RWTS | | Softkey for same in issue #37, page 11
Up-N-Down | 49 | 20 | Sector Edit | |
Uptown Trivia | 29 | 27 | File Copy | |
USA Profile | 62 | 28-29 | Copya Ptch/Sector Edit | |
Vegas Craps (IIgs) | 62 | 26-27 | Sector Edits | |
Vegas Gambler (IIgs) | 62 | 24 | Sector Edits | |
Verbs | 32 | 23 | RWTS | | Use "Hartley software (B)" controller in same issue & pg
Video Vegas | 37 | 4 | Sector Edit | | Use softkey for "Take 1" in issue #25, page 14
Video Vegas | 46 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Videx 80col Pre-Boot for Apple Writer II | 30 | 5 | File Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Videx 80col Pre-Boot for Visicalc | 30 | 5 | File Copy | | Demuffin Plus
Videx Pre-Boot disks | 7 | 12-13 | RWTS | | Integer card and FID
View to a Kill, A | 28 | 22 | Controller | |
View to a Kill, A | 50 | 9-10 | Sector Edit + Copya | |
View to a Kill, A | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Visible Computer: 6502 | 9 | 26-27 | RWTS + Pgrm Mods. | |
Visiblend | 11 | 5 | Bit Copy | | Nibbles Away II
Visidex | 9 | 7 | File Copy | |
Visidex 1.1E | 30 | 10 | File Copy | |
Visifile | 5 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Visifile | 6 | 7 | Sector Edit | |
Visiplot | 1 | 6 | Basic Pgrm Edit | |
Visiplot | 3 | 6 | Basic pgrm alteration | |
Visiterm | 9 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Visiterm (Tip) | 13 | 5 | Bit Copy | |
Visitrend | 1 | 6 | Basic Pgrm Edit | |
Visitrend | 3 | 6 | Basic pgrm alteration | |
Vocabulary Adventure I | 54 | 13 | Controller | |
Vocabulary Baseball | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Vocabulary Skills | 31 | 4 | Copya Patch | |
Voodoo Island | 43 | 4-5 | Sector Edit | |
Voodoo Island | 56 | 31 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Voyage of the Mimi | 61 | 16 | Copya Patch | |
Wagons West (Partial) | 60 | 23 | RWTS | | "American People" softkey, issue #56, page 8
Walt Disney's Card & Party Shop | 50 | 18 | Sector Edits | |
Walt Disney's Card & Party Shop | 50 | 33-34 | File Copy or Cntrlr | |
Walt Disney's Card & Party Shop | 51 | 28 | Patched FID+Basic Pgrm | | Use "Walt Dis. Cartoon Maker" softkey same page & issue
Walt Disney's Cartoon Maker | 51 | 28 | Patched FID+Basic Pgrm | |
Walt Disney's Comic Strip Maker | 50 | 18 | Sector Edits | |
Walt Disney's Comic Strip Maker (Partial) | 52 | 37 | File Copy | | Softkey for "Walt Disney's Card & Party Shop" #51/pg 28
Wavy Navy | 45 | 20 | Bootcode Trace | |
Wayout | 20 | 4 | Bit Copy | | Nibbles Away IIB
Webster: The Word Game | 53 | 30 | Disk Copy | |
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? | 56 | 36 | DOS Patch/File Copy | |
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? | 57 | 29 | Copya Alt/File Copy | |
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? | 52 | 19 | Sector Edit | |
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? | 25 | 25 | Hex Dump+Bootcodetrace | | Modified F8 ROM articles in issue #19, pages 9 & 18
Where in/USA is Carmen Sandiego? | 64 | 25 | Bit Copy/Sector Edit | | Copy II+
Where in/World/Carmen Sandiego? (Update) | 33 | 6 | Hex Dump+Bootcodetrace | | Softkey for same in issue #25, page 25
Where/Europe/Carm./Sandiego (Convert to 3.5") | 61 | 33-34 | Binary Ptch/File Copy | | Broken copy of same
Widespread | 27 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Wilderness | 38 | 9 | Controller | |
Willy Byte | 49 | 31-32 | Sector Edit | |
Wings of Fury | 51 | 37 | Sector Edits (Table 1) | | Softkey for "Bank St. Writer III" in issue #47, page 36
Wings of Fury | 58 | 7-8 | Bit Copy + Sector Edit | | Copy II + or equivilent
Wings of Fury | 62 | 7 | Bit Copy + Sector Edit | | Copy II+ 6.0 or later
Winnie the Pooh | 42 | 8 | Binary Patch | |
Winnie the Pooh | 56 | 21 | Sector Edit | |
Winter Games | 29 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Winter Games | 56 | 9 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | |
Winter Games (IIgs) | 54 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Winter Games (IIgs) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
Winter Games (Update) | 41 | 11 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #29, page 9
Wishbringer | 47 | 23 | Controller | |
Witness | 4 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Wizard of Oz | 29 | 7 | RWTS | |
Wizard of Words | 31 | 6 | DOS Patch+Sector Edit | | Check softkey "Microzine 7-9" issue #27, page 12
Wizard's Crown | 42 | 11-12 | Controller | |
Wizard's Crown | 54 | 35 | DOS Patch | |
Wizardry (Update) | 5 | 7 | Bit Copy | | Nibbles Away II
Wizardry I | 3 | 7/13 | Bit Copy | | Locksmith 4.1 and drive speed adjustment ability
Wizardry I & II | 20 | 27-28 | Bootcode Trace | |
Wizardry I & II | 26 | 8 | Hex Dump | | Softkey for same in issue #20, page 27
Wizardry I & II | 42 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn | 4 | 29 | Sector Edit | |
Wizardry III: Legacy of Llylgamyn | 8 | 10 | Sector Edit | Issue 9, page 18 |
Wonderquest | 24 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
Word Attack | 28 | 14-15 | RWTS | |
Word Attack | 46 | 13 | Controller | |
Word Blaster | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Word Challenge | 25 | 28-29 | RWTS + Hex Dump | |
Word Count | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Word Handler (ALS Version) | 46 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Word Handler (ALS Version) | 50 | 26-28 | Controller | |
Word Juggler | 19 | 4 | Sector Edit | |
Word Juggler | 33 | 10-11 | Binary File Copy+Patch | |
Word Juggler 2.9 (Partial) | 62 | 8-9 | Binary Ptch/Sectr Edit | | Softkey for same in issue #33, page 10-11
Word Master | 63 | 30 | Copya Alt/Sector Edit | |
Word Maze | 51 | 18 | Controller | |
Word Mount | 55 | 21-22 | DOS Patch & Copya | |
Word Munchers | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Word Munchers 1.3 | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | Issue 54, page 4 |
Words at Work | 50 | 23-24 | Cntrlr + Sector Edit | |
Words at Work - Compound It | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Words at Work - Suffix Sense | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |
Wordzzzearch | 56 | 21 | Disk Copy | | Any copier that ignores errors on track 14
World Games | 52 | 13 | Sector Edit | |
World Games | 52 | 16 | File Copy | |
World Games | 53 | 12 | Sector Edit | |
World Games (IIgs) | 53 | 17 | Sector Edit | |
World Games (IIgs) | 56 | 30 | Sector Edit | |
World Karate Championship | 50 | 14 | Sector Edit | |
World Karate Championship | 53 | 35 | Controller | |
World's Greatest Baseball Game | 33 | 8-9 | Controller | |
World's Greatest Baseball Game | 48 | 25 | Sector Edit | |
World's Greatest Baseball Game | 51 | 34 | Sector Edit+Hello Pgrm | |
World's Greatest Baseball Game | 53 | 11 | Sector Edit | |
World's Greatest Football Game | 33 | 8-9 | Controller | |
Wortgefecht (German Vocabulary disk) | 57 | 25 | Bin.Patch + File Copy | |
Writer Rabbit | 47 | 28-29 | Sector Edit | |
Writer Rabbit | 53 | 30 | Cntrlr or Sector Edit | | Try "Reader Rabbit" softkeys in #53/pg 22 or #49/pg 33
Writer's Choice Elite (IIgs) | 50 | 23 | Sector Edit | |
Writer's Choice Elite V1.0 (IIgs) | 49 | 15 | Sector Edit | |
Writing A Character Sketch | 48 | 34 | Controller | |
Writing A Character Sketch | 49 | 21 | Controller | |
Writing A Narative | 48 | 34 | Controller | |
Writing A Narative | 49 | 21 | Controller | |
Xevious | 57 | 36 | Copya Patch/File Copy | |
Xevious | 61 | 7 | Disk or File Copy | |
Xyphus | 24 | 14-15 | Controller | Issue 27, page 6 |
Xyphus (Fix) | 42 | 5 | Controller | | Softkey/controller for same in issue #24, page 14
Your Personal Net Worth | 30 | 5 | Bootcode Trace | | Use "Mastertype" softkeys in issues #15/pg 8 & #18/pg 6
Your Personal Net Worth 1.1 | 55 | 31-32 | Trk/File Copy+Sctredit | | Copy II+ 5.0 up
Zani Golf | 63 | 26 | Sector Edit | |
Zany Golf (IIgs) | 64 | 36 | Sector Edit | |
Zardax | 31 | 24-27 | Hex Dump+Binary Patch | |
Zaxxon | 7 | 8-11 | Sector Edit | |
Zaxxon | 17 | 10-12 | Controller | |
Zaxxon | 41 | 8 | Sector Edit | |
Zaxxon (128K) | 26 | 9 | Sector Edit | |
Zaxxon (Fix) | 10 | 5 | Sector Edit | | Softkey for same in issue Vol 3, #3 (Issue #7), Page 8
Zero-Gravity Pinball | 54 | 35 | Muffin Patch/File Copy | |
Zoom Graphix | 12 | 9-10 | File Copy+Basic Pgrm | |
Zoom Graphix (Update) | 36 | 5 | DOS Patch | | Softkey for same in issue #12, page 9
Zork I, II, & III | 1 | 5 | Sector Edit | |
Zork II & III | 63 | 9 | Copya alt/Sector Edit | |
Zorro | 44 | 22-23 | Controller | |
Zorro | 60 | 18 | Controller/Sector Edit | | "Goonies & Zorro" softkey in issue #44, page 22-23
Zoyon Patrol | 53 | 23-24 | Sector Edit | |